Once again, gotta love the spin (on both sides) during this segment of the recent Noem ad (screenshot below) the narrator says, “South Dakota Families losing their homes.” Well if you actually read the story you will see the highest percentage of foreclosures was houses over the $250,000 range, houses that most South Dakota families can hardly afford, and I guess these foreclosures are proving it. A bunch of wannabe rich Republicans found out the hard way.

21 Thoughts on “Noem ad telling half the story

  1. The NOem add is telling almost none of the story. Thirty years of “deficits don’t matter” and reckless economic policies essentially began with Raygun yet were continued and supported by both parties pandering to the banksters and fraudsters at Wall & K Streets.

    The convicted NOem showed no inclination in the SD legislature to fix the state’s structural deficit. Rather. she’s only shown over the years that she is a taker and not a giver.

  2. Costner on October 9, 2010 at 11:04 am said:

    Noem is a real class act:

    “B. Thomas Marking, the independent in the race for South Dakota’s House seat, sends word via e-mail that he has received an invitation to join a fundraiser in Custer for Kristi Noem, his Republican opponent. Marking calls the invitation “disturbing.”

    “I can’t decide whether this represents the abject ignorance of her supporters or the supreme arrogance of this political party and their candidate,” he writes.”

    What’s next for Noem… asking to hold a fundraiser in Herseth-Sandlin’s house in Brookings?

  3. Codington County on October 9, 2010 at 1:52 pm said:

    What ever it is the ad producers are loving NOem. The part I see interesting is she has involved her children in the ads, but you never see her husband? Does she plan on taking him along to DC?

  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/09/housing-market-congressional-districts_n_756877.html
    This is a chart and map of where “will the housing market impact congressional elections.” Note SD isn’t impacted, it isn’t mentioned. Nor are the surrounding states of SD. “The hardest-hit housing markets in America are roughly equally split between the parties.”

  5. She had a mailer today that bragged about her ‘A’ NRA rating and then says that Pelosi has an ‘F’ rating, and that Herseth votes with her. Huh? Last I heard Herseth has an either A- or B rating with the NRA.

  6. Last I read Herseth got the nod from NRA and Snooki didn’t. And I didn’t know Snooki was running against Pelosi. Here I thought Pelosi is running in California. Did the Snookster move to CA?

  7. Codington County on October 10, 2010 at 11:19 am said:

    NOem gets an A rating from NRA? What the hell is wrong with the NRA? She has run an for pay hunting operation, so much for the average South Dakota citizen on that one. Her Brother-in-Law just got charged on 5 counts of “party hunting”. My guess is he was not using those licenses on the average South Dakota citizen. NOem once said on a Watertown radio station that she is flattered to be compared to the Alaskan Cougar Palin. She was a beauty queen to you know!

  8. Costner on October 10, 2010 at 6:18 pm said:

    Herseth-Sandlin once again received the official endorsement from the NRA, so that is sort of a moot point. However, it needs to be understood the NRA always sides with incumbents when it is a tossup as they know their records… with an opponent you might think you know, but even the NRA doesn’t trust campaign promises.

  9. I say kill em’ all and let God sort them out. Animals that is.

  10. Ghost of Dude on October 11, 2010 at 2:07 pm said:

    Some of us can sort them out on our own. We have a lot of very tasty animals in this state.

    I thought the days of running attack ads with five word blurbs out of context were over when youtube came around. I guess not.

  11. Chad Meyer on October 13, 2010 at 12:37 pm said:

    I don’t frequent this site often, but after reading this article, I see you run a real fact oriented site here…..
    “A bunch of wannabe rich Republicans found out the hard way.”

    Are you sure is wasn’t a bunch liberals waiting for government money, but it didn’t come in time to make their house payment?

  12. Doubtful. Most liberals live within their means, have less children, and are more educated. Wannabes buy homes they cannot afford.

  13. Mellowilly on October 13, 2010 at 2:12 pm said:

    I guess most of you are libs below the age of 25 and have no understanding of finance. Let’s just tax the business owners (job creators) so we can fund failed stimulus bills and extended unemployment benefits to people who can’t get jobs from the business owners because we are taxing them to the point that they can’t afford to hire anyone. Wake up. Get some real world education and try to be of some value to society. If the government will take from these “rich” people and support those who are too lazy to work, who in the hell would want to work and support the lazy? You will be the death of this great nation!

  14. MW – Time to turn off Glenn Beck and get off the couch.

  15. Mellowilly on October 13, 2010 at 7:53 pm said:

    I don’t watch Glenn Beck. But I guess you really put me in my place, huh?

  16. No, you really put me in my place.

  17. Mellowilly on October 14, 2010 at 5:46 am said:

    Wow! Name calling! Good job proving yourself.

  18. Really? Name calling? A spade is a spade.

  19. Mellowilly on October 14, 2010 at 6:29 am said:

    I guess.

  20. No! Politicians telling half the story? And everyone bandwagons, finger pointing included? Get outta here!
    Nice stereotypes gang. Really helps us move forward as a nation.

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