South DaCola

Ohhhhh Snap!

Seems County Commissioner candidate Reynold Nesiba touched a nerve with Doogard last night;

A governors forum turned raucous Monday night in Sioux Falls as spectators shouted at each other and a candidate for local office was evicted from the debate.

Reynold Nesiba, who is running for Minnehaha County Commission, was escorted from the audience of 300 at the Holiday Inn City Centre after he interrupted a comment by Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard.

Daugaard, the Republican nominee for governor, was responding to state Sen. Scott Heidepriem, the Democratic nominee, by saying that management of the Valhalla retreat in the Black Hills “was not on my watch.”

“It was on your watch,” Nesiba interjected from a table near the front of the room.

Daugaard turned to Nesiba and said, “Reynold, did you have something to say?”

Were Nesiba’s comments inappropriate? Maybe. In that setting, but what he said WAS true and it seemed to touch a nerve with Denny, since he responded. Remember the Rounds administration isn’t a very big fan of Mr. Nesiba ever since he helped put a kabosh on Rounds’ personal plane trips on the taxpayer’s dime.

Here’s video from this ‘supposed rowdy’ Tea-Bagger debate.

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