South DaCola

SD AG Jackboots has a very skewed view of the First Amendment

AG Marty Jackboots once again proves he has a neo-conservative agenda when it comes to law and the constitution;

The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that speech can be restricted but not barred, Attorney General Marty Jackley said, and he thinks the law passes that test.

“You can’t regulate it out of existence, but you can regulate time and place,” Jackley said.

Well isn’t that regulating it out of existence? This isn’t about dildos and naughty underware, this is about our First Amendment rights. Neo-Cons, like Jackboots, don’t like speech rights because someone might do or say something that offends his beliefs. It isn’t your job as AG to worry about your personal political beliefs, your job is to defend the US Constitution, and sometimes that means defending some really sticky issues. Marty needs to spend some time with Chris Nelson, who put his personal beliefs aside when going after Roger Hunt. Because it wasn’t about abortion, it was about money laundering and breaking campaign finance laws.

Marty scares me more everyday, and like I have said before, if IM13 passes – watch his office. I have a feeling he will do everything in his power to stop the implementation of the measure.

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