I have to apologize to Steve Hildebrand for assuming that him and Huether are in cohoots together for the downtown location. After watching last night’s council meeting, it couldn’t be more obvious that they ARE not in agreement with the Events Center location, they had a very cold exchange. So once again, I’m saying I am sorry.

10 Thoughts on “Sometimes you have to say you are sorry, even I don’t like it.

  1. Plus, Hilde knows a sweet logo when he see one.

  2. Funny. I have tried to use David in a logo for a multitude of my clients and they always resist. I always scratch my head. Besides the Mona Lisa, David is one of the greatest works of art ever.

  3. Johnny Roastbeef on October 6, 2010 at 7:09 am said:

    No apology to Huether?

  4. I told them we were kinda like David going up against a City Hall Goliath. Ironic how a Biblical reference helped seal the deal, eh?

  5. JR – I don’t apologize to politicians.

  6. Johnny Roastbeef on October 6, 2010 at 9:15 am said:

    Hahahaha! Just busting your balls.

  7. is hildebrand doing this as a hobby, or is someone paying him to be a consultant and get this built downtown?

  8. One wonders huh? Well businessmen have pledged between $1-$5 million towards the project.

  9. Have these businessmen pledged $1-$5 million for a downtown center, or one built anywhere. also why don’t they put their name behind it?

  10. Randall on October 7, 2010 at 9:59 am said:

    My question about a downtown location:
    Where are we gonna park?

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