I just watched her interview with the Gargoyle Leader, while I will say her hair looked great (a different color now and very ‘Mitchell, SD’ like and her white sweater is super chic, she is still the hick from the sticks with a little jingle in her pocket (and an extra in the movie, ‘Fargo’)

8 Thoughts on “Why does Noem sound like she is from BEMIDJI?

  1. Noem sounds like she is from Bemidji for the same reason Sarah sounds like she is from Bemidji.

  2. Costner on October 21, 2010 at 9:58 am said:

    She is still more attractive than SHS though… so that will buy her at least few thousand votes.

    Don’t think I’m joking either.

  3. Oh I agree, Mitchell hair and all.

  4. “GOP Candidate Kristi Noem Won’t Commit To Supporting Boehner For Speaker ”

    Noem made Huffpost

  5. Funny how she will hammer Steffy about it, but when she is asked for a commitment she doesn’t have an answer.

  6. Randall on October 22, 2010 at 2:55 pm said:

    I think Steffi oughta hammer Noem about all the farm subsidy money she gets (welfare) and how that increases the debt…

    …oh, no, wait…


  7. concernedliberal on October 22, 2010 at 6:42 pm said:

    You know Noem will not vote to raise taxes. So if she really wants to reduce the Federal budget deficit, what
    federal programs is she willing to cut and how much?

    This is the question which needs to be asked of politicians
    like Noem, and I am sick of conservative politicians speaking in generalities about this issue.

  8. I see Thune is going on a bus campaign tour with her. Steffy is toast.

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