South DaCola

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Sorry Michelle, Sioux Falls doesn’t need another Quen Be, we already have a king.

No one should be surprised that mayor big hair said this;

Huether told the council it’s his administration that’s managing the project, not the council.

“Just to be clear, the executive branch of government versus the city council is responsible for this project,” said Huether.

“I want to keep the city council involved, but guess what? We are already doing it.”

After the meeting, Councilor Michelle Erpenbach said the mayor’s comments were “out of line.”

“We call this a strong mayor government. It’s a misnomer,” she said. “We have just as much right to keep up with the progress.”

I would agree Michelle, you have a right to know and be involved, but guess what, the Home Rule charter allows the mayor to do what he pleases, if you don’t like it, I highly recommend you work to repeal that part of the charter, something that I have been a proponent of for along time.

As for Mike saying this about the council publicly, he needs to take a page out of Munson’s book, and just do things behind closed doors and not tell the council a damn thing.

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