South DaCola

And now you know why I call him Ironic Johnny

Seems Johnny is up to his old tricks again, saying one thing to South Dah-Koat-Tens and doing another in Washington;

He has backed similar moratoriums in the past but the proposed 2011 spending bills Congress will consider in the coming weeks include almost 30 Thune-requested projects, such as money for highway projects, water systems and safety programs on Indian reservations. Most of those requests were co-sponsored by Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., congressional documents show.

Trust me, I probably support 100% of the earmarks that Thune is proposing, the problem I have is how he talks out of both sides of his mouth and the voters believe his bullshit. John. You are either for or against earmarks. You can’t have your cake and eat it to. Fiscal conservative?! Yeah, and I’m a Southern Baptist.

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