South DaCola

Bicycle safety in Sioux Falls, it starts with the automobile driver

(This is not a video – see below – it is a screenshot of where to FF to)

I’ve been meaning to post this. Harold Christensen (a former co-worker of mine) and hardcore bike rider (all year long) was almost hit by a reckless driver and he gave his account of the incident at the last city council meeting. I won’t try to explain his testimony, just watch it. He is one of the first people to testify in public input.

Those of you who don’t ride bicycles, this may be a shock to hear, but I can reassure you, as frequent rider, I avoid our streets as much as possible, it’s like playing Russian Roulette. Harold is right, there needs to be stiff punishment for auto drivers that endanger bicyclists, especially when the bicyclists are obeying laws and the drivers are not. I predict we will hear more from Harold in the legislative session. Godspeed.

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