I agree with BIE’s mission;

There’s a lot of debate in Sioux Falls about whether or not we should build an Events Center. This group was created to demonstrate a number of citizens who support the notion of “Build It Everywhere.” An investment by the city, if we are to spend the money, on multiple sets of community improvement initiatives. Improved soccer fields, enahnced baseball & softball, better indoor swimming, expansion of the bike trail system, continued improvement of the Arena. The list can go on and on. We have formed this group as an alternative to others that exist so we may demonstrate our desire to have an honest discussion about money spent, return on investment and burden on the taxpayers of Sioux Falls.

They are right, the city should be investing more in the infrastructure, but I kinda question it’s founder’s intentions;

Pinnacle Hospitality, Inc.

Vice President/Partner

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Pinnacle Hospitality operates three properies in Sioux Falls. Foleys, Callaway’s and tre. We employ approximately 150 people in our locations and specialize in great food, wonderful facilities and service consumers deserve

Last I checked none of those properties are downtown. I’m not saying Randy doesn’t have investments downtown, but he certainly doesn’t own restaurants in the downtown region. Makes you go hmmmmmm. So did he create this group because he is concerned about the infrastructure and spending of the city (which he ironically benefits from – Prairie Green Golf course) or has he put up this group to combat BID?

Love to hear the answer to that question.

10 Thoughts on “BUILD IT EVERYWHERE Facebook founder has an ‘interesting’ profile

  1. In a related note, Greg Belfrage has formed his own Facebook group called Build it Right, advocating the Mayor’s plan.

    If anyone was wondering how far Belfrage’s head was lodged up his own ass you now have confirmation

  2. Charlie on November 15, 2010 at 6:19 pm said:

    Bill Janklow owns the land on Russell Street (Janklow Trial Lawyers) right across from the arena. Bill just happens to be Randy’s father-in-law. Perhaps the Janklows have the inside scoop on how their property may be redeveloped if the EC is built at the arena site. Randy may be trying to create a diversion from a potential downtown site.

  3. Facebook groups are the most useless trends in the world. I know since I have one for my podcast.

  4. Charlie – If it is true what you say, it shows one more reason why Randy has a conflict of interest. These guys have no shame.

  5. RDerheim on November 16, 2010 at 3:07 pm said:

    Holy cow. Start a group and all of a sudden it’s a conspiracy. Our group is looking for a third option to consider when deciding how to spend money. We are not “anti-event center” by any stretch of the imagination. RD

  6. Thanks for commenting Randy, but I have to ask you to answer some of the questions that have been posed.

    And secondly I think infrastructure should come before hockey rinks and events centers. You seem to be in a dreamworld if you think during these economic times we not only have the capital to build wants for the private club sports teams but money to build in an events center.

  7. RDerheim on November 16, 2010 at 3:33 pm said:

    We’re currently in the “build it but where” discussion. I’m interested in better understanding, and I don’t know if you can bundle these together from a funding perspective – indoor swimming, hockey arena / increased ice, soccer field expansion, etc. as other economic engine ideas compared to one structure. Each has an economic impact. One of the ideas I heard recently was moving the baseball stadium downtown. Can that be considered too? We could create a mini Target Field and fans would flock to the site all summer long. What impact would that have? We rountinely read of the thousands of dollars associated with tournaments. What is the offset when compared to an Events Center? That’s our question.

  8. RDerheim on November 16, 2010 at 3:37 pm said:

    Please know I’m not saying we have the money to do any of this nor is there an appetite to approve it either.

  9. Why would we move a newly renovated baseball field. That is silly. As for your ‘club sport’ complex idea, I would agree, we need them. I also encourage private businessmen like yourself to use your name recognition and capital to build a private facility, that you can control and use whenever you want.

  10. Are you kidding Randy? There is millions in the private sector to build private club sport facilities, but hey, when you can get a handout from the city why bother raising the money on your own? I have often said, if there is a NEED for these kind of facilities, they will make money (like the municipal courses) and if they are making money, why isn’t the private sector jumping all over building these kind of facilities?

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