South DaCola

Doogard. Rounds Part II (H/T Helga)

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the biggest crony of them all?”

I’m still wondering when South Dakotans are going to wake up and realize that if you keep electing Republicants to Pierre, you will continue to get more of the same results. Cronyism, nepotism, low wages, limited worker rights, unfair taxes, etc, etc. As Jack Billion said in our last podcast (paraphrasing) “We gotta compete with Mississippi for last place.” While there should be outrage over Doogard’s latest hiring, right out of the Marion Rounds playbook, I wonder how many people will care or even notice. And that’s what Republicants depend on, “Nothing to see here, move along.”

Daugaard’s son, Chris, landed a job with the PUC as an initiative and utility analyst at a starting salary of $55,000.

What a Kwinky-Dink? Huh?

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