By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving.”
  1. Helga – So do you eat tofurkey in Cali? Just kidding.

    I actually had a very good thanksgiving. A bunch of us politicos in SF got together and talked shop over a delicious meal. Big surprise, I didn’t start the convo.

    I also came to the realization that you shouldn’t throw turkey gizzards in the stuffing, you should eat them whole! Yummy. And Sodapop agrees (even though the pepper made him sneeze.)

  2. We actually have real turkey, no tofu here. And I think gizzards, livers all those icky things should be tossed and don’t chop them up for the gravy. Gag me.

  3. I had a lovely conversation with a lady in the grocery store yesterday, quite by accident. Found out she is from SD and after talking about a few things she wondered what the heck was going on with SD that they vote for such idiots. It was a fun conversation and still makes me smile.

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