South DaCola

Heck, even the VL casinos are questioning the constitutionality of the city

While I detest VL gambling and wish it would go away like a bad hangover, you do have to scratch your head when even casino owners are questioning the city’s constitutional right to limit and zone casinos;

A judge’s ruling is expected soon on the constitutionality of a 2008 Sioux Falls ordinance that makes much of the city off-limits to new video lottery machines.

Of course the city has a ‘vague’ argument;

Mark Arndt, hired to defend the city, pointed elsewhere in statute and case law. The state allows cities to enact zoning ordinances that promote the “health, safety or the general welfare of the community” when considering “the location and use of buildings,” he said. And the Supreme Court has deferred to local governments on zoning decisions.

“We defer to them because they know how to use their land,” Arndt said. “We get to set reasonable restrictions on where you can put a machine. We get to protect our schools and parks.”

So old people drinking bad coffee and crappy light beer while gambling are a threat to the safety of our schools and parks? I don’t think so. What Mark is talking about is the underlying problem with VL and why it really should just be outlawed. Casinos in SF get robbed – A lot. It’s kinda like building a fire in your living room to cook food. While there is nothing wrong with cooking food or building a fire, just like there is nothing wrong with a little gambling, there is always a risk that a casino could get robbed and your house could burn to the ground (no offense Angry Guy).

I’m just saying.

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