With a little help from a friend, and few dirty tricks. As Cory from Madville points out, Christina Espenscheid learned her tricks from one of the best in the business.
But what Cory did not mention was that Jenna and Christina are practically attached at the hip. I met the two neo-cons at the same time at a political party. At first I thought they were twin sisters (fraternal, of course) because of their similiar talking points, it was almost like they briefed themselves to be on message about labor and abortion. In fact I remember getting into an argument with Christina about the minimum wage.
I still think the Vanderlinde campaign should have sent out this postcard.
I still think Jenna is an extremely bright person (not just a pretty face), and one to watch in Pierre this year. Jenna was brought up around politics and knows her issues, it’s just unfortunate she let one of her friends deceive voters to win her first election, but hey, it’s the only way the neo-cons can win.
Aside from the fact that this is yet another thing you’ve lifted from my website without permission and without attribution, I believe Jenna lives at home because she helps her parents care for a family member with a disability.
I know a couple of dummies who believed Vanderlinde’s supporters sent that out and they were bragging about the 3rd trimester abortion.
PP, stop pimping your website in other people’s comment section.
Wow, that is the lowest of the low. Jenna Haggar should be ashamed.
Wow, D-15 voters are so flakey that almost 40% of them were swayed by this postcard?
“it’s just unfortunate she let one of her friends deceive voters to win her first election”,
1. Where is the deception–it is all true–and provable.
2. If the person who sent out the card is one of “the best in the business” then she wouldn’t be foolish enough to ask permission of the candidate. So I don’t think that Jenna LET anyone do anything.
What, if anything, was untrue on that flyer? Were any of those statements regarding Vanderlinde inaccurate?
Did she NOT assist in a 3rd trimester abortion?
Does she NOT support gay marriage?
Was she NOT endorsed by LGBT organizations?
Does she NOT support legal access to marijuana?
Does she NOT support gun control?
Did she NOT receive an “F” from the NRA?
Did she NOT support Obamacare?
If she is so bright why doesn’t she know the borders of her own district? She was seen putting campaign material on doors that were not in her district.
And again I ask why was she at the democratic rally Monday night? So who is pulling her strings? Who is she a puppet for?
Hi. I am Jenna’s mom (one of the few people here actually willing to admit his/her true identity.) Let me first adamantly state that Jenna does not live in her parent’s basement!!
I think that says a lot about our family, that we enjoy living with our adult daughter and that she enjoys living with us. The first eighteen years of her life she didn’t have any choice regarding her residency…the last seven years she has chosen to live in our home. With the economy as it is it seems like a wise choice to me. As mentioned here, yes, she does help me care for her special needs brother (her compassion only adds to her beauty, don’t you think?). Jenna has a very close bond with her young sister who frequented the campaign trail. Many District 15 voters adored Jenna and her little sister and frequently invited them in as they went door-to-door.
She does however live with her parents.
Jenna’s great-grandfather built our home almost 100 years ago and for most of those years it has been a multi-generational home and gathering place. We are proud of that. I think a postcard stating such would be a boon to pro-family values. When you are ready to create your postcard please contact me so I may provide you with an accurate photo of Jenna’s beautifully decorated second story room!
I believe she won because she went door to door and engaged voters while the two incumbents did virtually nothing. If that mailing did anything, it probably swung the second seat from Martha to Pat Kirschman.
I guess we will never know? Will we?
I suspected the neocons would come out of their caves like a pack of wolves to defend Jenna, and they proved me right.
So she only has one suit, she lives with her parents, and her mom has to enter the blogosphere to defend her.
Yeah, I thought that was funny to. I will go on to say that I think it is great that Jenna helps take care of her brother, but what concerns me about a 24 year old that has never been out on her own may have trouble comprehending simple budgeting. And when it comes to Pierre’s budget, we aren’t talking about a few bucks here and there. Sorry, but life experiences or at least knowledge of life experiences help make a legislator better. Will see how much legislation Ms. Haggar comes up with.
It sounds like she has a wonderful family and strong family values, that said where were those family values when the nasty mailer when out at the last minute. It is interesting that the republican party always proclaims their love of family and family values and then throws out the dirtiest crap they can think of.
It should be noted that Martha spent the last few years as a care taker for her father, who was seriously ill the last few weeks and sadly died Monday. There are others who value their family also, it is not just the r’s.
You are right Lewis, she will get to finally live on her own now, in Pierre on our dime. I still want to know who is pulling her strings.
Sorry Costner…I didn’t see the fine print that said family members of elected officials could not respond. Freedom of speech not welcomed by you?
And again I ask why was she at the democratic rally Monday night?
Was she not running to represent all of the people in her district and not just Republicans? If you’re trying to get elected in a heavily Democratic district, shouldn’t you be seeking out the votes of Democrats?
” If you’re trying to get elected in a heavily Democratic district, shouldn’t you be seeking out the votes of Democrats?”
She was at the Democratic Pep Rally, where all the democratic candidates, staff and supporters were speaking for democrats. She should have been seeking out voters from District 15. The people there were from across the state and all of Sioux Falls. I don’t think she knows her district. So I repeat my question, why was she there?
Michele: Sorry Costner…I didn’t see the fine print that said family members of elected officials could not respond. Freedom of speech not welcomed by you?
Well Michele I didn’t say you couldn’t respond, I just find it incredibly sad that you felt you had to instead of allowing your daughter to defend herself (or remain silent if she chooses). I hate to break it to you Michele, but politicians won’t be taken very seriously if their mommies need to come to their defense.
She might still be living under your roof and eating your home cooking, but she should be able to take care of herself.
As far as your comment about freedom of speech – even though I am in now way trying to suppresss your opinion (merely commenting on it), you should probably know there is no such thing as freedom of speech on a private website. The government can’t suppress your speech – but private individuals sure can.
Lets just hope for the sake of District 15 and all South Dakota residents your daughter has a better understanding of the Constitution than you do.
Helga, distributing extra flyers outside of her own district sounds like brilliant politicking to me. Just because residents in neighboring districts can’t vote for her doesn’t mean they won’t talk about her in the workplace or recommend her to friends and relatives if they have seen her positive flyers.
I noticed she also placed campaign signs in high traffic areas OUTSIDE of her district. That seemed to be successful.
Don’t know why she was at a Democrat event -perhaps it was an attempt to meet all of the District 15 voters, not just the Rs and Is.
My god what a bunch of pricks you are! R or D next to their name, it doesn’t matter. What is important is the persons character. Second, her mom came to her defense, so what? Her mom cares about her, are you jealous of that? She obviously did a good job to those in her district, thus she was elected, and going door to door is more than I can say for many. If you hate her so much then run against her next time instead of deriding her for having what appears to be strong family ties.
“but politicians won’t be taken very seriously if their mommies need to come to their defense.”
Costner is right. Are you gonna call other legislatures who take Jenna to task during the legislative session and tell them to stop picking on her? Jenna is an elected official now, she better grow some thick skin, real quick, because this isn’t the last time she will be hearing from South DaCola.
” I met the two neo-cons at the same time at a political party.”
Let’s just cut through the crap shall we? You hit on her and she shot your silly, Tom Bosly lookin’ ass down, right?
LMAO. Jenna is way too young for me, and, wayyyyy out my league. I have a job, a mortgage, and a life.
I certainly did not come here to defend Jenna. I only came to verify the rumors…yes she does live with her parents. I came to tell the truth. Try it some time guys. The truth shall set you free. As I suspected, I was only met with nasty accusations. I commented directly to “Costner” that he/she did not seem to respect my “freedom of speech” and instantly it became an attack on whether I had knowledge of the Constitution. No mention of the Constitution from me…I know very well that the blog moderator may choose to post my comment just as well as he may choose not to. I am sorry that “Costner” is saddened by my post today…I imagine that he/she was saddened by Tuesdays election results also…tough week!
Michele, do you feel that freedom of speech gives you freedom from rebuttal?
With each and every post, Michele decreases the chance of her daughter ever winning another election. By all means… please continue.
Since she had to resort to dirty tactics to win this time around, I can pretty much promise anyone who runs against her won’t be afraid to do the same right back. Living with your parents until your late 20s does not exactly give you credibility in the real world – having your mother attempt to defend you on blogs doesn’t help either.
I’m guessing she won’t be called upon to be in any type of a leadership role when he gets to Pierre, especially when her mom drops her off at the front steps of the Capitol and hands her a “Hello Kitty” lunchbox with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich packed inside.
I agree that the flyer sent out by Jenna’s PAC was underhanded and it’s visual depictions were taken completely out of context. I also do not know how far I would trust a rep who’s only life experience has been as a chiropratic assistant for a known quack.
Living at home? I don’t know. In this town there could be any number of valid reasons for that to happen, especially at her age. If it was to help care for her sister, then more power to her.
This whole thread is nauseating. Seriously, I think my new-found disdain for politics is only reinforced by southdacola and the people that continuously post on it.
Snark is no longer funny, its rude and mean.
(wow, never thought i’d feel that way)
Democrats (and “indies”) sure do get nasty when they get their tails kicked.
Oh please, it’s the same on every side of the political spectrum.
Hos – You are officially an ‘Old Lady’. And that is what I am calling you from now on. ‘Old Lady’. I think the whole thing is very funny. In fact, I didn’t find too many things funny during the election, or the results, but seeing a postcard with two gay men kissing and voters believing that VanDerlinde supported it, now that’s funny.
This is funny too;
“especially when her mom drops her off at the front steps of the Capitol and hands her a “Hello Kitty†lunchbox with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich packed inside.”
BTW, I think the PC would have been funnier if the two gay men kissing were shooting guns and smoking pot at the same time.
Would that be funny, Old Lady?
And thirdly, if you don’t like what goes on here, stop reading it. It’s your choice. No one shoves South DaCola down your throats, yet my individual viewers continue to go up monthly. I’m not bragging, I’m just stating the facts.
But let’s look at the mailing, line by line. As a person who has worked in direct mail marketing for years, I will give my assessment;
1) Using a ‘Luncheon’ as a source is like writing down Mickey Mouse down as a reference on your resume. Maybe she said this, maybe she didn’t, but it’s a fucking stretch, and deceptive.
2) This is a good thing, anyone endorsed for standing up for equal rights, is fine in my book, not sure what Ellen Degeneres has to do with it though?
3) Martha supports access to ‘Medical Marijuana’. This line is deceptive.
4) So she gets and ‘F’ rating from the NRA. So what?! Are people in District 15 (who are not allowed by law to hunt within city limits) upset about this issue? Hunting is a non-issue in District 15, move along.
5) Once again, using a facebook page as a reference. Silly. But I’m with Martha on this one. I’m glad it passed, but I think it did not go far enough.
I’m still trying to figure out why Jenna didn’t run as an Republican, or at least an ‘Indy Republican’? Is it because her district is mostly Dems? Another deceptive measure.
But like many of us have said from the beginning, ‘Why would she allow her good friend to send this out on her behalf, knowing it is deceptive, and dirty?
” I think my new-found disdain for politics is only reinforced by southdacola and the people that continuously post on it.”
Then you must really find the comments on PP’s blog truly nauseating.
And I hear that there was a 2nd postcard sent out by that family values party.
BTW, I think the PC would have been funnier if the two gay men kissing were shooting guns and smoking pot at the same time.
Jenna has to realize this if she is going to engage in dirty politics .
What goes ’round comes ’round.
I see Jenna believes in “A” ratings from the NRA. Maybe she can get a part time gig here.
Call me old lady all you want, I’m more than half dead so it’s probably appropriate.
Did any of you fucktards watch the Jon Stewart rally to restore Sanity / Fear? Did you get the message? It’s easy to be crass and belittle others because of their view point, but what is really important is attempting to have discourse without being a bully.
The district 15 PAC postcard is disgusting, but I feel for Michele, as a mother. I only wish instead of defending the fact that her daughter lives at home, she would have defended the mailing, or condoned it.
I’m so sick of people point out the things they don’t like about others instead of promoting the things that make them a better candidate. As a mother I would be very disappointed if, to get ahead, my sons, or those who represented them, used such tactics.
This whole thread became a pissing match between a mother whose values may be different than yours or mine, and a bunch of snarky bullies.
There was a part of me that I think I may have lost for awhile, that I am trying to rebuild. It’s being gracious and trying not to judge. It was what I tried to instill in my kids when they were little, but along the way I forgot myself.
Be kind, or at least try to be.
with a tread like this you’ll probably be off the charts!
The first rule of being a politician, don’t take things personal. I try to attack tactics and philosophies not personal feelings. Like I said from the beginning, Jenna is a bright person, I just don’t approve of her tactics and philosophies.
Quit complaining, you lost, the PEOPLE spoke. Live with it. We had to live with it when your idiot democrats won 2 years ago. The democrats just took 2 years of complete control to prove that they hate America and want to destroy it.
As for Jenna living with her parents…WHO CARES!!! She helps her parents with a sibling with a disability.
Chicago style politics for D15. YIKES!
Wait until she decides she is a big deal and runs for congress.