South DaCola

I have no regrets voting for Thomas Marking, especially after reading this article

Marking points out the obvious;

“I think that was probably the third-best choice,” Marking said this week of the winner, Kristi Noem.

And he adds;

Marking said he will not run for national office again unless the rules change and there is public financing of campaigns. Having $10,000 to compete with millions just isn’t worthwhile, he said.

“Not until the rules change and there’s a chance for a fair fight,” Marking said. “There’s no point. It means a lot of good people who could be representing us in D.C. don’t bother running.”

I have often said public financing of campaigns would level the playing field. Nowadays, it is who has the biggest checkbook. Noem spent twice as much as Steffy, she won. Huether spent almost 3x more then Staggers, he won. The proof is in the pudding. Publicly finance elections, and the rich and powerful will quit running, and we will get REAL candidates.

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