South DaCola

Instead of building an Events Center Downtown, we should just put a circus tent over Carnegie Hall

It seems tonight will be another exciting meeting at Carnegie, between the haves that are elected and the haves that are not elected;

Now, the downtown group has drawn up a resolution for the City Council. The downtown group seeks an economic analysis completed no later than Jan. 15. The group hopes to present the idea to councilors at tonight’s meeting, said Steve Hildebrand, an executive member of Build It Downtown.

While I think it is great that a volunteer group is petitioning our local government to consider a resolution, make no mistake, it will be all about grandstanding. Huether would veto it, even if the council had enough votes to get it rolling, which they do not. Even so, it seems Mike’s chief puppet has an excuse for everything;

“It’s important to get the comparative analysis done first, so that when an economic study is performed, there is good concrete information to use in the study as opposed to a series of assumptions without the comparative analysis,” said Mark Cotter, public works director.

Sure, an infrastructure analysis is important, but I think most citizens agree, either location will work on an engineering level. That’s like trying to decide between a red car or a brick red car. There already have been plans drawn up for both locations in the past. We know it will work. An economic impact study has to do with where people will spend the most money.

Build It Downtown members say that’s backward.

Yah think? When I decided to buy a house the first two things I did was budget and pick a location. I had no idea what my place was going to look like, and I really didn’t care at that point. And it seems another city councilor agrees with my analysis that I have used in the past;

“When you build a house, what’s the first thing you do? You look for the location. This is the biggest house the city will ever build, and we are missing that first step,” Brown said.

Don’t you know, Velvet Hammer, Mike has already picked the location . . .

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