Don’t kill the messenger

Well, they have been saying for days she was going to get some kind of leadership role;

Rep.-elect Kristi Noem, R-S.D., and Rep.elect Tim Scott, R-S.C., will share duties as freshmen liaisons to the Republican leadership team in the next Congress.

Woo-Hoo! What a leadership role. I wonder if she will ride a horse when she delivers messages to her fellow congresspeople? Better call Jodi and get some advice on how to order Jimmy John’s sandwiches for lunch meetings.

3 Thoughts on “Kristi Noem becomes the Jodi Schwan of the US Congress

  1. Snooki Palin on November 18, 2010 at 9:32 am said:

    well thank god she didnt waste the money on a college degree for that secretary job

  2. Nope, she just wasted taxpayers money in farm subsidies.

  3. Ol' Timer on November 19, 2010 at 11:21 am said:

    But she saved the family farm, well maybe with a little help from $3.2 million in government subsidies. South Dakota expects someone who got $3.2 mill in 10 years to cut federal spending?

    She might take food out of the mouths of welfare kids and heating subsidies off the rez, but by golly gee, those farm wifes need those new Escalades’ and Yukons’, because they are in hurry to get to town. You know, those farm stores like Fleet Farm, John Deere, and Yonkers close at 6:00. And that hair dresser closes at….well it must be before 6:00 as she seems to have missed that appointment a couple of times.

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