South Dakota Sen. John Thune is urging Christians to engage in a world that’s often hostile to their faith.

WASHINGTON (November 19, 2010)—U.S. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who was elected this month to a second term, is urging Christians to be engaged in a world that’s often hostile to their faith.

Thune told KNWC radio in Sioux Falls, S.D., that the U.S. needs “Christian people to be in the arena,” influencing every aspect of public life.

Thune said church and family anchor his own life in Washington, where he also tries to make time for prayer and Bible studies.

Noting that public life can be hard on a politician’s family, Thune asked people to pray for them and for him in order that he’ll have the wisdom to know what’s right and the courage to do it.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “So far my prayers haven’t been answered (H/T – Helga)”
  1. “South Dakota Sen. John Thune is urging Christians to be engaged in a world that’s often hostile to their faith”

    Kind of like your sick, twisted, photoshop image mocking the man for speaking about his faith. Hate much?

  2. Just gotta love how thin-skined are the boastful, self-piety “turn-the-other-cheek” crowd.

    Ya sure don’t see Islamic/Hindu/Confucian armies occupying others’ nations and telling them how to live.

  3. There’s a fine line between church and state. A politician is a good example because of his faith. I disagree with a public statement selling religion to the masses.

  4. Pathloss: You, Sir, would disagree with God? I sincerely hope you get to question him on this matter, but………….I really think the chances are very slim. Thanks for removing any doubt.

  5. I have no faith in people that speak publicly of their christianity. It is one thing to do it one on one and even then a lot depends on the way a person does it. My opinion on politicians is that they talk about their christian/family values, but don’t actually practice them.

  6. Don’t have a problem with religion, or Christians, I do, however have a problem with politicians wearing their religion on their sleeves like Thune-Bag does. What a hypocritical creep.

  7. redhatterb…I soooo agree. Alot of times, not saying this is Thune, what they preach is NOT what they are doing behind the curtain, usually it’s the exact opposite.

  8. rehatterb: While I respect your right to have an opinion, I would certainly disagree with you. At least when they speak publicly about their Christianity, I have something on which to base their thoughts/ideas. When people do not, I have no idea why they think as they do and nothing to use as a baseline except that they very well may be lost in the “Me World”.

    I liked Buzz Evenrude’s comment.

  9. Yea – I really learned a lot about Ted Haggard by listening to him, but I learned even more by watching how he acted when he didn’t think anyone else was looking.

    If you actually believe a politician when they claim they are [insert characteristic here] you are naive. More often than not they merely tell you what they think you want to hear in order to earn your trust… and your vote. How many times do we need to repeat this same pattern of learning our elected leaders were one thing when in front of a microphone, but another thing when behind closed doors before we learn our lesson?

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