South DaCola

So far my prayers haven’t been answered (H/T – Helga)

Senator Urges Christian Involvement, Prayer

South Dakota Sen. John Thune is urging Christians to engage in a world that’s often hostile to their faith.

WASHINGTON (November 19, 2010)—U.S. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who was elected this month to a second term, is urging Christians to be engaged in a world that’s often hostile to their faith.

Thune told KNWC radio in Sioux Falls, S.D., that the U.S. needs “Christian people to be in the arena,” influencing every aspect of public life.

Thune said church and family anchor his own life in Washington, where he also tries to make time for prayer and Bible studies.

Noting that public life can be hard on a politician’s family, Thune asked people to pray for them and for him in order that he’ll have the wisdom to know what’s right and the courage to do it.

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