South DaCola

The SF City Council needs to start ramrodding the mayor

This week’s irony comes from everyone’s favorite local newspaper, The Argus Endorser. First let’s start with political reporter Ellis’ editorial about Mayor ‘Ramrod’;

Unlike his predecessor, it isn’t yet apparent that Huether has learned the art of building political coalitions to get what he wants. He appears instead to be relying on the ramrod technique.

I agree with Ellis 100% on this analogy, and by the power of the city charter (which should be repealed) Huether doesn’t have to build any fucking coalitions, or even any non-fucking coalitions. In fact he doesn’t even need a city council, he can pretty much do it all himself.

Though the council has little power, they do serve a purpose. They can’t really shift money around and make any rules, but they can be a thorn in the mayor’s side, and they do serve as a check against our mayor, even though he will probably do what he wants in the end.

But let’s move on to what this discussion is all about, the council wanting to add another beauracrat to city hall (which they really don’t need);

During the budget process, city councilors wanted to use some of the money that had been going to the now vacant chief-of-staff position to fund a budget analyst position. Councilors, who work part time, say they need somebody with a finance background who can look under the hood of the budget and understand its complex workings.

I had an informal discussion about this topic several months ago with two city councilors and a city employee. At the time they were throwing the idea out there to hire this person, and asked me what my thoughts were. While I agree 100% that the council is getting shafted during the budget hearings, I will say this – the council needs to use the resources they already have, and they have another option. What is that option? This what I told the folks involved in this ‘informal’ powwow?

“I think you need to hire and independent, outside private contractor to dissect the budget every year and give the council recommendations. Is there any private CPA’s that do that kind of work?”

Of course, this would eliminate the city having to hire another person, it would give them an unbias opinion and at the end of the day, the council can either take some, all, or none of the advice with or without the manipulation of another city employee.

Of course, the ‘Ramrod’ Editorial Board at the Argus Endorser will have none of that;

From city charter authors to the city attorney, there’s clear concern that the council’s actions are out of step with the strong mayoral form of government that voters approved.

First off, the voters narrowly approved the current city charter, that we are finding is extremely flawed and occassionally unconstitutional. And while the city charter provides the mayor with ultimate power, it still does not stop the city council from questioning his decisions, which councilor Erpenbach seems to do on an hourly basis.

My final advice on the matter;

You don’t need another city employee, you need a Private Investigator.

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