If a customer uses a gum box for a wallet

expect a very small tip.


S. L. Ehrisman (c) 11/17/10

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “The Ugly Table (#7)”
  1. The best table for 8 reserved for 2 hours and 3 show up late. One orders water and wants a pizza delivered. The checks are paid with gift cards and each has a coupon. Tip, of course not.

  2. No, but I’ve observed. People can be very inconsiderate and rude. Poor service is one thing. Poor personality can’t be reflected by a tip and certain customers should pay more. It’s not just the server and the customer. Every time I’m a witness, I learn more about how to be a better person.

  3. My favorite rule from the anti-tipper playbook is to only tip in your hometown. No need to tip when going out of town as those people will never serve you again in the future, and they won’t remember you are a lousy tipper!

    Hah! That saves me $350 a year!


  4. In all seriousness, one of the rudest individuals I know and who acts like servers are actually beneath him as if this is India and we are using a caste system, is a guy who worked for years as a server and bartender.

    I’ve actually been embarrassed at how he acts when I’ve dined out with him. Does working as a server somehow give people a right to be come jerks to other servers? The logic just doesn’t make sense to me.

  5. Funny you bring that up. There is a server I work with that is a lousy tipper, and he seems to be proud of it.

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