“I’ve cooked a lot of steaks in my day, and this isn’t medium rare.”

Let’s make something clear; every restaurant cooks a steak differently.


MOST place’s don’t go by Joe Jackwagon’s BBQ standards.

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 11/22/10

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “The Ugly Table (#8)”
  1. I can’t seem to get a steak to come out the same way twice no matter how hard I try. I’m glad my livelihood doesn’t depend on someone else’s ability to pull it off.

  2. I like medium rare. If its pink to bloody and warm, I am happy. I’m with Duke, can’t do steak myself. Its some sort of mysterious art.

    Om nom nom.

  3. We have a strict policy where I work, and I like it. We describe our steak temps, we will also recook or cookup your steak, no questions asked. It irks me when a customer complains about their steak temp and then refuse to allow you to fix it. Assinine.

  4. When I order a steak medium-rare, I do not want ice crystals in the center of the steak.

    When I order a steak medium-rare, I do not want heated up just enough to melt the ice.

    When I order a steak medium-rare, I do not want a piece of charcoal.

    That is when I threw the plate back at the cook, and tipped the server $20.00 for trying to put a good face on what she knew was going to be a bad situation.

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