South DaCola

A Sales Tax increase? Get out the pitchforks and torches.

I guess these two clowns love to make enemies;

Sen. Stan Adelstein and Rep. Don Kopp come from opposite sides of Rapid City’s Republican community, but the two lawmakers might have a common cause on one controversial issue this legislative session: a temporary sales tax increase.

For Adelstein, preventing sharp cuts to education by raising tax revenue is at the top of his agenda in Pierre.

“I don’t think people have realized how popular this is compared to the cuts,” Adelstein said of his proposal to raise the sales tax from 3 percent to 4 percent during the summer months for a three-year period.

Give me a break, taxes never go away. In 3 years you will be asking to keep it. I have a better idea;


And if that doesn’t work, I suggest plan ‘B’ An income tax on South Dakotans making over $150,000 a year. It’s time the rich ponied up in this state instead forcing the poor and middle class to carry all the water.

But this shouldn’t surprise anyone, these are the same goons who believe Mexicans are over taking our state;

Kopp believes illegal immigration is a problem for South Dakota, and he wants to go after what he sees as the cause: businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Under Kopp’s legislation, if a business “knowingly hires an illegal” immigrant, it would face a $500 fine for the first offense and a $1,000 fine for the second.

Oooooh. Such a tough penalty. It should be six months to a year in the Penn for hiring illegals. This is just overkill anyway, because their are already Federal laws preventing employers from hiring illegals.

But for some reason South Dakota legislators know better then the rest of the country. I mean, Who else is to thank for being ranked 49-50th on everything, year after year, after year . . .

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