
Knew it wouldn’t take long for the SD GOP pack of wolves to come out defending Noem’s hypocritical stance on hiring a lobbyist for her COS;

Guess what …..Jordan Stoick is not a lobbyist nor is the PR firm (Direct Impact) that he used to work for…..

But as Cory from Madville Times points out in the comments section, they are a lobbying firm;

Elsewhere we find: “Dave took a position with the Direct Impact Company, a premier grassroots lobbying firm in Washington, which specializes in strategic planning, analysis, implementation and troubleshooting for legislative campaigns.” http://www.mwcapitol.com/bios/index.cfm

Funny, when you push the Republican Wolf Pack in the corner they come lying and foaming at the mouth as usual. Did you ever think just admitting being wrong was an option? Nope. ATTACK!

I also see the main attack wolf has been rewarded with a government job. Gawd help us.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “. . . and out come the wolves”
  1. That is funny. I looked Snooki’s new main guy last week and that firm said they were lobbyists. It’s kind of like Thune getting caught with earmarks…..ohnoesIdidn’t, it isn’t true, how could you say such things. You guys are just mean……..pretty sure that is what they are saying. I love it, when the dems attack back, the r’s don’t like it. Papantonio talked about Snooki and the lobbyist she hired.
    Thune and the boys have been getting fired on all afternoon, I love it. CNN going after Thune also. And just mentioned Thune would lose against Obama by 20 points, and so would Palin and Mitt .

  2. I’m just waiting for wonderful Noem to backfire in the faces of all those South Dakotans that voted for her.

  3. She is another one-term Republican congressperson, and she won’t even have to run over anyone to be booted out of office . . . But there is still a possibility that could happen.

  4. If it’s SHS or Brendan than it’s possible but if it’s Nesselhuf there’s NO chance.

    If Noem clears 60% in 2012 then she is even more likely to take the Senate seat in ’14.

  5. And out come the wolves


    You gonna let the Joshua Shields spokesperson Jonathan Ellis off the hook?

  6. I just read that bullshit.

    Sorry. Working for a PR firm that lobbies congressional members, makes you a lobbyist, whether you are registered or not.

    In Ellis’ defense, I do think he was being a little sarcastic with this statement;

    “Regardless, lobbying is not a profession held in high esteem. For Noem – one of the reformer Republicans taking office next month – it’s probably best that her chief of staff wasn’t a lobbyist.”

    I get the feeling that was a bit of a ‘dig’ on Noem. He’s saying, “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, he isn’t called a ‘lobbyist’ but some of us can read between the lines.” It’s even comical how he laid it out.

    Keep you eyes peeled though, he is on vacation, but expect a fantastic column by him in couple of weeks about state politics. I kinda lit a fire under him. Should be good. I’m looking forward to it.

  7. And BTW, just putting the information out there gets people curious. I think Ellis is saying, “This is what I found out, but . . . “

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