KELO-TV screenshot

Last night on Inside Stormland TV, Mayor Good Folks talked about snowgates (still waiting for video link to story). He expressed that maybe people will like them more then expected and seemed a bit cautious.

“I can tell you this, they do work, folks, they really do. But do you think we are going to buy more, well folks, you are mistaken, you really are.” *

We’ll see how Mike balances public sentiment on this one. Should be interesting.


11 Thoughts on “Are snow gates in SF working too well?

  1. Pathloss on December 20, 2010 at 8:16 am said:

    In other words. ‘If something (anything) works and is good for Sioux Falls, it must stop. It really should. We only make mistakes, we do.’ You’ll have to imagine the arms out holding an imaginary beach ball.

  2. Let’s back off a little. I will give Mike a little rope on this one. We’ll see how he reacts.

  3. The quote in the paper from his stupid restaurant appearance made me laugh, though. I dont’ have the exact quote, but he said while they work well there is some spillage. Like I said before, people aren’t looking for a perfectly clear driveway. They just don’t want the foot-high pile of ice and debris.

  4. We need a new mayor. Somebody please come forth…

  5. You are right Scott. No one is expecting ZERO snow in their driveway, just not a 3 foot wall of shit.

  6. i don’t live in sf but. didn’t they say when they first got the gates that they’d work well for lesser amounts of snow? the footage i saw on the news using the gates after the last storm (8 + inches?) showed spillage but it appeared they would work great with smaller snowfall amounts.

  7. They work fantastic.

  8. Scooter on December 21, 2010 at 8:18 am said:

    I know of a contractor that performs snow removal for the city. His company does not have the gates and they never will because of the area they are contracted to remove snow from.

    But this same person will go on and on how the gates don’t work, never did, and never will. Says that they are too expensive to purchase and install. And that they fail every block or so that requires the driver to exit the cab and perform field maintenance.

    So whats up with that? Sounds like a little bit of negative marketing has been played for the snow removal contractors…?

  9. Scooter – If you were a contractor would you want to install them? It’s an extra expense. It doesn’t surprise me one bit they are being negative. Their opinion doesn’t matter anyway. If the mayor and city council don’t move forward to use them in the entire city by next year this time, it will be on the ballot in 2012.

  10. Bozeman MT has snow gates on every one of their motor graders and always plow with them every time it snows. We wouldn’t have it any other way. it wasn’t the politicians decision, it was the workers in the field.

  11. Thanks for the comment John!

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