Link your picks in the comments section and some commentary why it was your favorite.

Also, I love criticism. What do you think was the worst?

I’m thinking of giving a T-shirt to my favorite critic that says;

South DaCola

“Shut up and go make some croutons!”

4 Thoughts on “Favorite DaCola editorial toon of 2010?

  1. Angry Guy on December 30, 2010 at 10:11 am said:

    SA_ _ AM
    Can I get this in white on a black shirt please?

  2. Like it or not, decided the congressional race before it even started.

  3. I agree Tim.

  4. Pathloss on December 31, 2010 at 10:20 am said:

    I think L3wis is getting over the croutons thing. On T-shirts put ‘See for story’.

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