South DaCola

Have a drink on me?


I think WarrenPhear’s comment on the Argus Endorser’s forum sez it best;

…While the city was aware it was a big contributor of bacteria to the Big Sioux River, Kappel said officials weren’t aware how significant a problem it is.

“The city is out there, progressively working on task. We are aware of our impacts, and we take them seriously,” Kappel said. “We will continue working toward those things. WE ALL KNOW THERE ARE LIMITED RESOURSES. I think we will prudently use the funds that are available to us to improve the water quality.”…

Gee, I wonder why? The city earmarked a million dollars of “limited resources” to indoctrinate us on the need for an EC, yet opened the sh1tgates when the clouds opened up every two weeks for those once a century downpours.

And this study was done BEFORE they opened the shitgates. Can you imagine what the bacteria levels are now?

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