South DaCola

I hope you slip on the ice John

Anytime this guy opens his mouth, I just cringe;

Republican Senator John Thune says he’s surprised the U.S. Senate is staying so busy in the final days of the session.

He says some of the issues should be carried over to the next session of Congress and shouldn’t be taken up in a lame-duck session.

Republicans gained some Senate seats in the November election and regained control of the House.

Thune said November election results showed a rejection of Democratic proposals and to work on those bills now is “flouting” the election outcome.

John, you haven’t done Jack shit since you have been in office unless Johnson was holding your hand. Let’s talk about someone who flouts. You have obstructed everything Obama has attempted. Remember, Obama, our current president who won with a majority of the vote in the last presidential race? Flouting?! Ironic Johnny at his best, once again.

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