South DaCola

Ironic Johnny gets his earmark hypocrisy handed to him (H/T – Helga)


I literally bang my freaking head against the wall when people ask me from other states, “What’s up with John Thune?”. He is one of the most hypocritical politicians from our state. He, at times, even makes Janklow look like Santa Claus. At least Janklow isn’t a hypocrite, just a gigantic asshole.

This video is actually better  by Rachel (starts at about 4:20)

Here’s a little transcript on NPR;

REPORTER: So why not ask that they (earmarks) be removed…?

SEN. THUNE:  Well, I — we’re going to — we’re going to try and vote this thing down.  I mean, I don’t know how you — how you get them out now other than amending the bill.  You know, the bill’s infront of us.

‘Uh, well, thanks, uh, for handing me my ass, uh, I hope, like, South Dakotans don’t see this and catch me talking out of both sides of ‘my ass’, something friends and close family members call ‘my face.’

(screenshot from MSNBC)

I love how John Thune blames the Democrats for ‘HIS’ earmarks;

The bill includes 28 earmarks from Thune at a cost of about $38.5 million, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group.

Thune spokesman Kyle Downey said the senator has not withdrawn his earmarks, which were inserted in the spending bill months ago, because “he didn’t think the Democrats would have the audacity to bring up an omnibus after being rejected by voters this past November. However, the senator plans to vote against the omnibus and will vote to strip out all earmarks if given the chance.”

So you put earmarks in because you didn’t think the bill would pass anyway? John, you say some pretty stupid things, but I think that one tops it. Any bill has a chance of passing, so why put them in there to begin with? What a hypocrite. For someone who claims to be a Christian, you sure lie alot.

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