I have put this one off for awhile, but I can no longer hold it in.

It’s time for Mike’s infatuation with the media ends.

I have heard from city employees, friends, city councilors, reporters and even regular everyday Joe’s he is obsessed with what people say about him.

Here’s the deal, Mike, your job is simple – run the freaking city. Your job is not to appease the media. As long as you are honest and doing your job, negative press will never follow you anywhere. The job of the 4th estate (the media) is to be a watchdog. If you screwup, they will be on your ass like stink on shit. That’s how it rolls. Get over it.

This isn’t a credit card company that pays lawyers millions to cover up your sins, these are citizens.

So please, stop the fake crying, the haircuts every 4 days, we don’t care. Just get to work.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Mayor Huether’s ‘Obsession’ with the media”
  1. The open hands waving around in front when he’s speaking, he must have held yarn for his grandmother when he was growing up. Maybe he’s tangling more lies that will be the opposite from those he told yesterday. SIOUX FALLS, we need a mayor that’s not so wishy-washy. WE DO.

  2. I like it when the mayor talks with his hands. It reminds me of that time Gary Hanson guest conducted the South Dakota Symphony.

  3. I’d like to see someone strong challege Huether in a few years. I don’t know who but Kermit gave him a free pass.

  4. Jamison will challenge him. Guaranteed.

    A year ago? Not a chance did he have. Today? He’s lookin better all the time.

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