‘Don’t want to be SHAMED INTO SELFISHNESS? Sell tacos.’

I love it when big wheels in town write letters like this;

I am appreciative of the results of the November election. Maybe, just maybe, the outcome will make a difference.

We continue to have a president who is out of touch with what makes our country perform at its world-leading pace and seemingly is in over his head.

Until at least January, we still have a Congress that is even more selfish and less courageous than the people who elected them. And we have a Congress and a people who don’t understand the difference between doing the best thing for me and the best thing for we.

It is sad, maddening and even scary. As Americans, we are shamed by our selfishness, our lack of collective courage and our political behavior.

Yeah, this coming from a guy who had to have a specific rock from a specific Colorado mountain to build his fireplace, but hey, let’s call the rest of us ‘selfish’. Rich people complaining about our president is like Packer fans complaining about Viking fans. Expected and pointless. Go eat a taco Bill.

21 Thoughts on “Multi-Millionaire happy that more Republicans were elected to office in November

  1. hosenpheffer on December 10, 2010 at 6:16 am said:

    I rememeber when we started bombing iraq the letter writer told his staff that we needed to be behind the president, or we were unamerican.
    I shook my head and said, so protesting an illegal war is unamerican? when you were my age did you rally the vietman war with such gusto?
    that didn’t go over well, and needless to say, my days were numbered. (it also didn’t help that i drew devil horns on bush’s photo on the front page of the argus leader).

  2. Go eat a Taco!

  3. Bill Byrne? Is he the same guy that wrote a book about how to become wealthy?

  4. Yes, I linked it

  5. Sorry bout that. Guess I should open more links. 🙂 I wonder how many of his 111 proven strategies involve lining up at the government welfare trough?

  6. Go eat a Taco!!

  7. TacoLover on December 10, 2010 at 6:54 am said:

    “we have a Congress and a people who don’t understand the difference between doing the best thing for me and the best thing for we.”

    So the teabaggers, super rich, bankers and right wing Christians know what what is best for us… The British, French and other Europeans are beginning to let the powers and powerful know what civil disobedience means. This terrifies the self important and rich. The masters need to slap down the struggling masses hard and fast to show who is in charge. This is the purpose of Real ID programs and ‘Homeland Security’ to slap down the masses and control the message.

    FAUX News is on the air to keep Obama, Congress and the masses on their message.

  8. I know where everybody should go for said taco!

  9. anominous on December 10, 2010 at 11:38 am said:

    This jackass should have run for Governor. Or even, Mayor.

  10. Don’t encourage him.

  11. Taco Bell is awful. Eww…

  12. Dukembe on December 10, 2010 at 4:55 pm said:

    Um, Dave R, isn’t he Taco Johns?

  13. Hey, ease off Taco Bell..they recently decided it was time to build a modern, new facilty in a better location than their old spot, in a recession no less. (reaching for hi 5)

  14. and no Duk…he isn’t Taco Johns either. Try again.

  15. Oh and what’s wrong with hand selecting natural materials?, on second thought I think you might hate this guy for all the wrong reasons.

  16. Yes, Bill, as I understand it, owned many Taco John’s franchises. Not sure if he still does.

  17. Sy, I was making a point about ‘selfishness’ when it comes to the fireplace. He calls the rest of us selfish but has no problem building a fireplace like that.

  18. I will give Bill props though, he does give a lot to charitable groups. I just don’t appreciate him calling the rest of us selfish because we may have voted for Democrats.

  19. (reaching for hi 5)

    Agreed. That is a stretch. Better location? Debateable. The 18th Street location was convenient for the hospital. Not so much anymore.

  20. and no Duk…he isn’t Taco Johns either. Try again.


  21. Better location? Come on – it is less than a full block away and no longer on a corner that allows easier access for those who wish to cross traffic.

    I have no idea if they owned the old location or not, but I would guess it was a leased facility and they ran the numbers and determined it was time to build and own the facility for themselves. Sy is probably just happy because he supplied all of the tile… and more power to him.

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