South DaCola

The 2011 City Budget, weird stuff (H/T – Costner)

(Guest post – Costner)
Have you looked at the 2011 city budget?
On page 14 of the pdf (labeled page 8) take a look at the expenses for city channel 16.  It will blow your mind – I guess they needed another new set for all of their informative programming.  What a waste of money that is.
I also noticed on page 8 of the pdf it shows we will be spending over $19M for the 2011 parks and rec budget.  That is roughly the same as the total of general government expense and public health combined.  The scary thing is this is a huge cut from 2010.
Page 79 of the pdf shows they plan to spend $500k on an indoor tennis facility in 2014 and another $500k on indoor ice (with $76k for a matching Zamboni).  In 2015 they will be spending $815k on an indoor pool.  I guess they didn’t get the message that the voters didn’t want it so they are just hoping that by 2015 people will forget I guess.
I also know you will appreciate what is found on page 82 of the pdf.  It shows that back in 2004 there were 1433 properties inspected for tree ordinance violations.  By 2008 that number had went over 11,000.  Awesome… customer service at work I guess.
I should give them praise for one thing however – they note that 115 acres of parks have been designated as natural area and therefore are no longer being mowed.  I personally think they should do a LOT more of that.  There is no reason to mow all of the area around the banks of the Big Sioux and Skunk Creek nor do they need to mow every blade of grass along the bike paths.  If they just leave things natural in certain settings it is that much more attractive, reduces our “carbon footprint” and saves money.
There is some other good news – mayor Mike is decreasing his budget by around $80k which brings it back to 2008 levels.
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