I couldn’t agree more with this letter to the editor;

After carefully reading each of the comments in the Dec. 14 Argus Leader regarding the recent city’s snow-removal work, I was quite irritated. The following blurb appeared under a photo of a snowplow on page one of section B: “A test was done Sunday morning with the new snowgates in Zone 2 of Sioux Falls. Despite adding the machines to assist with snow removal, reaction to the city’s cleanup efforts is mixed.”

This blurb was intentionally misleading. There was nothing but positive comments from people who live in the areas where the snowgates were used.

A few people who commented expressed dissatisfaction with the city’s snow removal, but none of the comments was related to the use of snowgates.

It’s about time our newspaper starts reporting the news and stops trying to sway people to its way of thinking.

I will defend the reporters at the AL, they do a great job. But it seems the editors in charge, especially the ones at the very top are tying their hands. It’s unfortunate.

Am I fair on South DaCola? Nope. But I’m not the fourth estate, I’m an opinionated editorialist. They are an NEWS organization. They need to start acting like one.

2 Thoughts on “The Argus Endorser gets their ass handed to them on snowgate rhetoric

  1. if tempest pat lalley could jump in a time machine and visit argus pat lalley, what do you suppose he’d tell himself?

  2. He already did. And told him to ‘Cash In’

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