It’s not over yet. The trial was scheduled to begin on December 7 but was postponed. Dan Scott’s lawyer, Bill Janklow and the Argus Endorser’s lawyer, Sanford are still negoitiating, 3 years later. I would love to see this go to trial, but I have a feeling Mr. Scott will probably get a settlement in the end.

The Saga continues.

Here’s some South DaCola refreshers;




By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Whatever happened in the Dan Scott libel case?”
  1. And I will add, I don’t think Beck is guilty of anything. He parodied a (qwazy) public official and was within his first amendment rights. Was it vengeful, vindictive and mean. Sure. But he had the right to do it. I hope the AL doesn’t settle. I hope they tell Janklow and Scott to go to Hell.

  2. I hope they tell Janklow and Scott to go to Hell.

    I remember reading that piece. Dished out in the same manner it was served to Beck. Scott needs to get over himself and realize those words were written on the OPINION page of the Argus. Everyone has one. Beck is entitled to his.

    And Dan Scott. Your job was to bring meaningful jobs to Sioux Falls as head of Forward Sioux Falls.


  3. C’mon Poly. He has been successful in keeping disgraced, former governor/congress person lawyer types employed.

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