Huether ‘burn’ of the day

I wish they would lower the rates on my credit cards.

Got to admit, this quote probably burned a little;

With almost half of Sioux Falls airline customers leaving town to fly, there need to be better alternatives, Huether said. “That’s unacceptable,” he said.

Tom Lien, the airport authority chairman, said the board is trying to bring other carriers to Sioux Falls and to encourage airlines to lower rates here. Airlines, not the board, set fares, he said.

“When you were working in credit cards, nobody told you what to set your rates at,” Lien told the mayor.

I’m sure we will hear another speech on Monday at the informational meeting about how the press got it wrong . . . blah, blah, blah, words, words, words.

Team ‘Powerhouse’ ? More like Team ‘Clueless’

His Man Mike is under the impression that combining Smith and Cooper on the same team he has created some kind of powerhouse;

Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether said Thursday an organizational change in the Planning and Building Services department is part of his continued efforts to construct what he calls a “powerhouse” of city department leadership.

What the heck is that supposed to mean? More blah, blah, blah, words, words, words. Because if he thinks keeping Cooper on board will help with code enforcement I have some news for him;

“I think one way you improve the process or make code enforcement more simplified is organizationally you improve that structure, and that’s what Kevin and Mike and their teams will work to do,” Huether said.

I think it does need to be simplified, but the due process factor has to also be addressed. As for Cooper helping to the fix the problem, give me a break. He is the problem. He was told back in February of 2009 after an audit that he needed to streamline the process, OVER 18 MONTHS AGO! Councilor Brown referred to his flow-chart of code enforcement as a bad joke. If he hasn’t even made a dent in updating code, what makes you think he is going to fix it now? By keeping the same guard on, you will never fix code enforcement. There needs to be an independent legal review of the ordinances.

It also pains me that every time Mike brings up code enforcement he never mentions ‘due process’ or ‘property rights’ for the citizens. All you are doing is inviting more lawsuits for the city.

Our new mayor, a secret leprechaun?

I see the new episode of ‘Ask the Mayor’ has a new rockin’ intro . . . for a new rockin’ mayor.

Some quotables from His Man Mike during the episode (paraphrasing);

“I just click my heels or snap my fingers and a pot of gold appears for the good people of Sioux Falls, it’s like a dream come true.”

“If you don’t mow your grass, scoop your snow, get rid of your junky cars, wipe your ass or clean behind your ears you won’t like me as a mayor. You need to be a good neighbor or code enforcement will be cracking down on you, and your children and your children’s children.”

“I will be one of the most fiscally conservative mayors this city has seen in a long time, and at the same time you will see monkeys flying from my ass.”

“Would a downtown Events Center be good for Sioux Falls? Sure. But it won’t pass voters. Because instead of trying to educate voters on the best location we would rather just spend a bunch more of the taxpayer’s dollars on another plan. We hope to keep doing this, I don’t know, maybe 19 or 20 times. Because who cares about funding the place? At this pace we will probably see a new events center built by 2056.”

And of course, a pre-Jazzfest quotable;

“It’s so great to see thousands of people show up to an event and thank me for being their mayor, hey, and the FREE music ain’t bad either.”

New candidate running for SF district 13

I don’t much about Jesse;

Democrat Jesse Vavreck is running for one of the two District 13 seats in the state House of Representatives. District 13 consists of central Sioux Falls. Incumbent Bill Thompson is term-limited. Democrat Susy Blake is the other incumbent seeking election.

He was an intern for Tim Johnson. And here he talks about himself and his weiner dog and he seems to be right on track with some issues I agree with. He has my vote . . . so far. As with any candidate for office, you are welcome to guest post on South DaCola.

Oh, and BTW, if you are going to have a website probably outta figure out the googles so when you type in your name the first hit or least the 2nd or 5th hit is your website, I’m just saying.