More changes at city hall in Sioux Falls?

There has been a lot of chatter lately that Mayor Mike is planning some more staff changes, but what will they be? While this does not surprise me, I assume they will come after his budget address on July 22.

Here are some possible scenarios;

• Darrin Smith will move to a different position or get a new title.

• Cooper and Rowenhorst will resign after the budget is complete.

• Terri Ellis Schmidt will leave the CVB. (This one is interesting, while the mayor doesn’t have the power to fire Terri he can cut funding. Ellis and Huether are at odds about expanding the CC. And if you don’t play the reindeer games, we know what happens to you.

It will be interesting to see how this all pans out. I may be completely wrong on my predictions, but I GUARANTEE something is happening soon.

One more reason we need socialized medicine, eliminate doctors suing insurance companies (H/T- Helga)

It seems that Mr. Unruh promised more then he could provide;

Oh, but that’s the ‘catch’ of a quacktor-pracktor, “You’ll be fine if you just keep coming in to get ‘treatments’ ” I told my mom once “If bone-benders really worked, why do you have to keep going back to them for treatments?”

#25403 WEDNESDAY, Case 3, Unruh v. DeSmet Insurance

Dorothy and Henry Lentsch were injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by the negligence of a driver insured by DeSmet Insurance Company (“DeSmet”).  Unruh Chiropractic Clinic (“Unruh”) treated Lentsches for their accident-related injuries.   Prior to treatment, Lentsches executed assignments of the “proceeds” of their personal injury claims against the negligent driver.  The assignments were limited to the extent chiropractic services were provided. The assignments gave Unruh a right to the proceeds from any settlement DeSmet paid on behalf of the negligent driver.

Unruh served notices of the assignments on DeSmet.  The notices informed DeSmet that if Lentsches had any unpaid chiropractic services, DeSmet “must include” Unruh as a payee on any settlement checks.  Lentsches’ son, as attorney-in-fact for his parents, subsequently settled their claims and executed releases.  The releases provided that the Lentsches would be responsible for paying their medical care providers.  Thereafter, DeSmet delivered the settlement checks directly to the Lentsches, and Unruh was not made a joint payee.

Unruh contacted Lentsches and demanded that they pay their outstanding balances due for the chiropractic services provided.  Lentsches refused.  Unruh then demanded payment from DeSmet.  DeSmet also refused.

Unruh sued DeSmet, seeking to enforce the assignments.  DeSmet brought the Lentsches into the lawsuit as third-party defendants.  Unruh and DeSmet filed cross motions for summary judgment.  A magistrate court granted summary judgment in favor of Unruh and against DeSmet.  The court acknowledged that an assignment of a “claim” for personal injuries is invalid and unenforceable under the common law. The court, however, concluded that an assignment of “proceeds” is distinguishable from the common-law prohibition on the assignment of claims. Therefore, the magistrate court concluded that Lentsches’ assignments of proceeds were valid and enforceable.

DeSmet appealed to the circuit court, arguing that assignments of proceeds violate public policy.  The circuit court acknowledged a split authority in other states regarding the validity of assignments of proceeds of personal injury claims.  The circuit court followed those authorities distinguishing between assignments of proceeds and assignments of claims.  The court also found that there was no public policy reason to preclude an assignment of proceeds.  It therefore held that the assignments in this case were valid, and it affirmed the magistrate court.

DeSmet now appeals to this Court.  The Court must determine the validity of assignments of proceeds of personal injury claims.

Mr. James R. Even, Attorney for Plaintiff and Appellee A. Unruh Chiropractic Clinic

Mr. Larry M. Von Wald, Attorney for Defendant and Appellant DeSmet Insurance Company of South Dakota

George Steinbrenner, a Seinfeld legend

A screenshot from the episode of Seinfeld called ‘The Nap’

Mr. Steinbrenner was one of my favorite characters on Seinfeld. As with the show, Mr. Steinbrenner will be missed.

10. The Nap

George Costanza is tired, so takes a nap under his desk. Steinbrenner comes in looking for Costanza to tell him he has finally figured out the lyrics to “Heartbreaker” by Pat Benatar and decides to remain in Costanza’s office until he returns. Costanza calls Jerry Seinfeld and asks him to phone in a bomb threat, causing Steinbrenner to hide under the desk and finding Costanza. The Boss becomes convinced Costanza has ESP and knew a bomb threat would be called in. He puts Costanza in charge of Seinfeld’s demand of fitted hat day for every fan, much to Costanza’s chagrin as he now has to find what hat size every attendee wears.

“You climbed under that desk because you have ESP. George, what’s on my mind? … Meatballs! Huh. Unbelievable. Anyway this terrorist had a specific demand. Not more cheap adjustable hats on hat day. He wants fitted hats just like the players wear.” — Steinbrenner to Costanza

Former Multi-Cultural Center’s director just doesn’t get it

An audit by the city has proven that Mr. Aware was doing a poor job of running the MCC;

An internal audit of the Sioux Falls Multi-Cultural Center released today found “many internal control weaknesses” in the area of payroll and accounting.

And what was his response?

Aware had strong words at today’s meeting for Minnehaha County Commissioners and others who he felt had wronged him as the center came under fire. He said he and his family have been discriminated against and persecuted.

“Somebody’s going to be responsible for this,” Aware said.

Yeah, McFly, someone is responsible. YOU! That is why you don’t work for the taxpayers anymore. Pack your shit and do us all a favor and leave our community (and take Janklow with you).

I’ve kept my opinion about Aware to myself, up until this point. Not sure if you have ever had to deal with him, but he is an arrogant bully who should have been canned years ago and it has nothing to do with him being an Iraqi immigrant. He is just a bully. I did a printing estimate for him one time and he accused me of trying to rip him off because he got a lower bid at a different printing company. I explained to him that 1) We used a more advanced printing process then our opponent (you get what you pay for) and 2) how was I ripping him off if we haven’t printed anything yet. He stomped out.