Bill Dougherty – RIP

(Image: Lara Neel/Argus Leader)

Bill passed away today. He is probably enjoying a drink with Hunter S. Thompson and JFK somewhere in the afterlife and talking about the good old days. I first met Bill at a Howard Dean Meetup and have had several great conversations with him over the past few years. He will be missed.

William Dougherty, a former lieutenant governor, a long-time lobbyist and a legendary figure in South Dakota politics for decades, died today after a long battle with cancer. He was 78.

Mayor Mike’s short term achievements

In the short time Mike has been in office, he has accomplished quite a bit. These are some things I will applaud him on;

• Ramped up street repair

• Appointed a new city attorney

• Improved communication with citizens

Here are some things I would like to see him take on;

• Dismantle code enforcement’s current structure, fix it to include due process and fire anyone who has drug their feet on not making it better

• Trim some fat at the top. Layoff any middle management in the city that is unneeded and require department heads to earn their pay and do their job

• Spend less time talking and going to meetings and more time implementing policy. Not only will you accomplish more, you might even earn yourself some much needed free time.

About F’ing time! Justice prevails!

The cameras have been shut down and now if we can dismantle our unconstitutional code enforcement system things my start getting better;

At 2:30 p.m., Police Chief Doug Barthel announced that the automated system would be shut down indefinitely while the city awaits a final ruling in a 2006 lawsuit filed by Sioux Falls businessman I.L. Wiedermann.

This is a MASSIVE constitutional victory for the citizens of SF. Remember, this isn’t about running red lights and safety, this is about due process and your rights. You should be able to face your accuser in a court of law.

While I.L. Wiedermann is a little rough around the edges, I have defended him before, a week after he almost got thrown out of a council meeting, I showed up to the meeting and chastised the mayor about first amendment rights and told him and the council if they can’t take criticism they should resign. When I sat down, a plain clothes PO hovered over me, I turned around and gave him a dirty look, and he walked off. I.L. and Dan Daily have sacrificed a lot for our rights, and they deserve a big ‘Thank You’. Whether you agree or not, the US Constitution is there to protect you from big brother.

South DaCola poetry club with Steve B. (a poem about me)

The Artist: Scott Ehrisman

What in Hell is wrong with you, boy?

All that slimy, oozing, wriggling

Stuff inside your soul ralphed out, framed,

Hung on a wall IN PUBLIC.  What

Were you thinking?  Yeah, the answer

Is already framed.  I’ve got a

Printout of that brunette with her

Cigarette and heels, but I hide

It where my wife won’t find it—I

Keep things decent.  You shouldn’t stick her

In a collage with strippers and

Put it in a gallery.  And

There: a flying pig in papier

Mache! Pork on the wing—it’s just

Wrong.  Someone should tell your mother.

Copyright © 2010 Steve B.  All rights reserved.