God thinks I should apply for a new job, and I would have to agree

You get all types when you are waiting tables (I could rant for pages and pages) but the bible-bumpers are the best. One of them surprised me a little yesterday. As I was picking up the check he said to me,

“I have this strong feeling from God that you should apply to that new job you have thinking about applying for. Is that something that has been on your mind.”

Surprisingly, I said, “Yes.” Then he went into a speech about faith and the bible, blah, blah, blah. I guess I better get cracking on my resume – Buddha says so.

The Sioux Falls 2011 budget; A lot of unknowns.

It’s hard to be critical of Mayor Huether’s 2011 budget when you read a statement like this, which just leaves you scratching your head;

Huether said he has made room for the proposed events center and streets – two major issues he ran on during the election.

Well, first off, the 2nd penny is supposed to be mainly for streets and infrastructure, so at least the new mayor gets that part of it, but squeezing in an Events Center when we are expecting zero growth in tax revenue? I can’t wait to see how he proposes to do that.

And it seems Vernon ‘The Sweet Velvet Hammer’ Brown hasn’t figured out what tax dollars are for?

Veteran Councilor Vernon Brown said he preferred the performance-based budget, which is result-oriented and uses goals and objectives to explain why money is being spent. “We live in a time with limited resources and unlimited wants and needs in city government,” he said. “Are we providing a level of service that customers expect and that the citizens are willing to pay for?”

In other words, Brown prefers we spend every last cent as it comes in. He also seems to be under the impression that the citizens are being very well served for our taxdollars. I think I bumped my head on my office base board while rolling around on the floor laughing at that statement, so if what I write seems a little goofy, please forgive me. While I agree our parks and public safety are top notch in Sioux Falls, I struggle with denying citizens constitutional rights as a ‘service’ to us. Something Brown defends, as long as we are ‘safe.’ While I may not be a big fan of Subprime Mike, he still makes more sense then Brown.

Which leads us to Bob Litz, who scares me even more;

Councilor Bob Litz told the new councilors that they have to go with their gut. “Trust me, you people have the intuition. You just have to rely on it,” he said.

While I make a lot of life decisions based on my ‘gut’ I try to make my personal budget decisions based on this little thing I call ‘math’. I wonder if Bob builds houses based on ‘gut’ feelings.

“I suppose I’ll just cut this stud right here, sure, I could measure it, but my gut tells me it is about 8 foot and 3/4 inches”

“To sell or not to sell the fairgrounds, that is the question.”

This long article in the Gargoyle Leader (not written by my favorite journalist) talks about a lot of unknowns and gives some people an out;

Sweetman Construction, which owns the huge quarry adjacent to the fairgrounds, could be a logical buyer. The company is interested in acquiring the site for the quartzite underlying it. But only if the county wants to sell, according to CEO Patrick Sweetman. He strongly makes the point the company is not trying to force a sale.

“We are always looking out for the future of our business and looking at our potential for reserves,” Sweetman says. Acquiring the fairgrounds to expand the quarry makes good business sense. However, it “is one of the multiple options we’ve got on the table,” he says.

Damn right is does. But he just wants us to believe that it hasn’t been under serious consideration . . . yeah . . . right.

All that said, however, Hajek thinks the busy county commission would not be adverse to dealing with a fairgrounds sale yet this year.

“If the right pieces came together, I think we would act and do something,” she says.

I’m sure you would not be ‘adverse’ to selling the land. You are on your way out, what do you have to lose, or better yet GAIN from the sale?

IMO, leave the fairgrounds where they are at, they serve a purpose, and they make money when people are not stealing from them.

He (Mayor Huether) makes it clear he wants the city to be a fair advocate. On an ad-hoc basis, the city could assist with projects such as fixing fairgrounds potholes.

Why don’t we start by paving the entire lot by the EXPO building? Maybe Sweetman would like to donate some paving materials?