All of a sudden Sioux Falls is concerned about gambling addiction?

Maybe we shouldn’t have VL casino’s on every f’ing corner in this city?

Under Iowa law, the Lyon County Resort & Casino will contribute a portion of its profits to the state of Iowa to help gamblers who become addicted. Yet most of its customers will see no benefit from that contribution because they are not Iowans.

Well duh. So how much money do casinos in SD put into a treatment fund? You would think it would be a lot considering how much money the state and PRIVATE business owners generate from the industry. Think again;

The division has an annual budget of $244,000 for such services, which comes from $214,000 from the South Dakota Lottery and $30,000 from Deadwood gaming.

Wow! What a bargain for the pain they inflict. I have often said the biggest expense from VL is the cost to taxpayers from incarceration and conviction (robberies, bad checks, etc). But we like putting people in jail, it’s a big business in South Dakota, thanks to Billy Bob Janks.

There is also something else people don’t consider about a casino in Lyon county. It is an entertainment destination. And while most people will go there to gamble, there will be a host of other things to do (golfing, dining, concerts, etc.), unlike a VL casino. Last I checked if you are not playing a machine in a VL casino, there isn’t much else to do, except eat stale popcorn and drink fizzy American light beer out of a dixie cup.

Out of work? Ironic Johnny doesn’t care (H/T- Helga)

This is the 8th time the Republicant’s have blocked a vote.  Big of them. Thune must be saying screw you to all the people who have been looking for a job for months and months and have found nothing.  I gather everyone in SoDak is employed and Thune and the others just don’t give a shit about anyone else.

And they say they are sick of the partisanship. They are indeed the party of NO.

Republicans kill Senate jobless aid measure

By ANDREW TAYLOR (AP) – 1 hour ago

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the Senate have defeated an election-year bill to continue weekly jobless benefits for millions of long-term unemployed workers.

The 57-41 loss was a major blow for President Barack Obama and Democrats. They needed three more votes — for a total of 60 — to stop a GOP filibuster.

The rejected bill would also have provided billions of dollars in new aid, protecting the jobs of tens of thousands of state and local government workers as the country begins to emerge from the worst recession in seven decades.

Democrats have been trying to advance the measure for months as an insurance policy against a double-dip recession.

Despite another round of cuts to the measure aimed at pacifying GOP deficit concerns, not a single Republican broke with party leaders determined to kill the measure for adding more than $30 billion to the deficit.

Is the economy getting better? Ask the Pavilion.

This is the quick view of the Pavilion’s Finances;

Washington Pavilion Finances 2009

The attached sheet is the consolidated Statement of Activities  for the 2009 operating fund  which is also reflected in the  annual audit.  The net revenue over expense was a negative  $434,500.

Key points

On the revenue side it shows a 16% increase in individual donations .  Actual donations were $248,148 compared to $214,303 in 2008 – a definite bright spot in the report.

Our business contributions (Contributions – Business)  fell $66,000 or 15% from 2008 to 2009  tracking with the  general  economic  instability that started in the fourth quarter 2008.  This business effect was exacerbated with the effects in the decline in Facility Rentals and Sale of Services which declined $136,000 or 21%.  Café revenues also decreased by about $68,000.

Admissions and Ticket Sales Revenue was up over $184,000 from what was budgeted because of bookings of additional shows.  Unfortunately, you’ll see the offsetting budget variances in  Promotion and Marketing  and  Program Expense which increased by  $425,000.

Here is some other overviews; OF and FS

The city was also in the hole in May.