Would love to meet this salesman

This story was done a long time ago, I think by Stormland TV News. While I don’t have a problem with the parking attendants using a vehicle like this, I’m curious who was the salesperson was that suckered them into paying $10,000 for an electric trike? Seems a little spendy to me considering you can buy a moped for about $500.

And, didn’t these attendants know what they were getting themselves into when they took this job? Did they think a magic carpet was going to float them around on the streets of downtown.

I have waited tables for 10 years, and I don’t think I have ever seen electric scooters transporting us around the restaurant. Even though Gigglebees had a robotic coyote deliver your pizza.

And mail carriers don’t ride scooters. Only in Sioux Falls would we give in to such a silly request. I guess I would have met half way and gave them a three-wheeled bicycle to ride, one that didn’t cost $10,000 of course.


Is this drummer a reincarnation of Keith Moon? (If you are not a fan of cover bands, mute the video and just watch the drummer) H/T – C & L.


The Israelis and Palestinians are at it again

I get so sick of this crap.

Maybe they need to take some advice;


Why do the Jews embrace the Old Testament? Because it justifies killing people. Why do Muslims embrace the Koran? Because it justifies killing people. Christians supposedly embrace the New Testament (which justifies peace) but most of them choose to ignore those teachings. People ask why I don’t believe in religion. Watch the video again and maybe you will figure it out.

“And I would have gotten away with it . . .

. . . if it weren’t for those meddling reporters and bloggers.”

First I want to start on the positive. Mike has agreed to experimenting with snowgates and upgrading infrastructure before building new roads. Good. These are only common sense endeavors. But he needs to work on the whole ‘transparency’ thingy.

Ellis’ column proves something I thought about Mayor Mike during the campaign; He talks out of both sides of his mouth and can’t give a straight answer to a straight question. I have often believed he took the positive aspects of Staggers, repackaged them and sold them as Huether USDA choice. Snowgates? Infrastructure first? Can you say; the hallmarks of Staggers two terms on the city council?

But let’s look at the run around that Ellis has so beautifully displayed about Mayor Subprime’s transition team;

• On May 4, Huether said he was still putting “the team” together.

• Then comes May 17, Turns out the mayor was still forming his team. Actually, he said, “it’s not so much just one team.”

• By May 22, the situation had changed in dramatic fashion. “The transition team is Mike Huether, that’s it,” the mayor said.

Was there a transition team? Is there a transition team? Or is the team really just My Man Mike?

Scooby-Doo, where are you?
