We may just get those snowgates after all

Mayor Mike promised to ‘experiment’ with snowgates during the campaign, something that has been long overdue. A friend of mine had a conversation with Mike about it the other day and he said he will budget to experiment with them. Something Staggers fought for his entire term on the council. The biggest argument against them was that they do not work, which is not the case. Many communities use them not only for 40 inches of snow, but for leaf removal from the streets (Cour De Lene, Idaho). I’m glad to see Mike will be taking on this endeavor.

Other things discussed were tree trimming in the boulevard and expanding Drake Springs Pool (since the city scaled back the main pool before building it) and I want to clarify this. In the original plans shown of Drake Springs Pool, the main pool was much larger, not sure why it was scaled back, but I’m sure ‘sour grapes’ had something to do with it. Mike said he will absolutely not expand the pool (which sounds reasonable because, quite frankly, it is too late and he has been chomping at the bit to build an indoor pool which I’m sure will be in the 2011 budget). And he seems to be confused about tree trimming, he sounded like he was under the impression that property owners have to take care of adjacent city property (and this is true according to city charter) but it still isn’t right considering the city is legally liable for the property. But since the constitutionality of code enforcement is in question now, the city may have no choice but to take care of their own property. They have no legal standing to fine you if you don’t trim their trees.

At least Mayor Mike is being ‘somewhat’ realistic

No surprise, sales tax revenues are still down in Sioux Falls. If you think we are just going to ‘POP’ out of this recession by simply ‘SAYING’ things are getting better, you are crazy. I actually think things are getting worse and we have not bottomed out yet in Sioux Falls, and it is refreshing to see that our new mayor understands at least one thing that is going on in our city and country;

But, numbers released Thursday show that the sales tax numbers have now dropped one percent compared to last year at this time. Mayor Mike Huether says he was not surprised by the seven point swing, saying the economy hasn’t fully turned around yet.

“I think that those are more realistic. The economy in no way has recovered completely,” Huether said.

And Huether says the new numbers prove that the city needs to keep spending under control and do even more this year to cut the budget.

“We will scrutinize the spending habits of city government even more,” Huether said.

While I agree cuts should be made, we must also have a one year break from special interest spending. I guess I don’t agree with cutting customer service to citizens when we are not cutting special interests. If we want to cut back on the Parks budget, which is beneficial to everyone, then we need to stop giving the Zoo money for monkey hot tubs. Citizen services should come first, and foremost. Trust me, I believe that Mike wants to trim the city budget, but if he cuts services for the sake of indoor pools and hockey rinks, he’ll hear about it, and not just from me. Remember Mike, you can’t have your cake and eat it to. Munson thought that was the case. You have to make a decision; Citizens or Special interests.