Sioux Falls’ solution to competing with the Lyon County casino? Expand Video Lottery.

As I have said a million times; there are no REAL progressives living in our city, and these proposals prove it;

They’d like to see the city ease the 2,000 feet restriction rule. It prohibits a bar or restaurant that offers video lottery from being built within 2,000 feet of a church, school, park or another video lottery establishment.

First off, if anything, we need to restrict video lottery even more. Having three casinos within one block of my home is ridiculous. Secondly the best way to ‘compete’ with the casino in Lyon County is to give in. Allowing VL casino owners and the state to make more money while Sioux Falls is sitting on a possible sales tax goldmine is a regressive approach. Real progressives see opportunities, not detriments. City leaders (business and city hall) need to get off their asses and extend a hand to Lyon County, and not next week or next month – TODAY! We can piss and moan and fight this all we want, but at the end of the day we can’t stop what Iowa or what Lyon County wants to do. As councilor Rex Rolfing said about the casino, “When you are handed lemons, you make lemonade.” And I see a whole lot of it flowing from Lyon County.

The Republican Primaries, Weird Shit

Even though I haven’t blogged about this much, trust me, I have been following the SD Republican primary circus. And maybe that is why I have not said much about it, it is a circus. Weird candidates, weird TV commercials, weird statements.

I have often been accused of saying some off-the-wall shit on this site, but man, Republicans in our state have brought politics to a new low this year, and the opposition isn’t much better. Just look at the Weiland challenge to Herseth-Sandlin, What did that last? Two days?

So I’m gonna skip over all the teabagging, mustache shaving, barrell ropin’ rodeo queen bullshit and cut to the chase.

Who will win the primaries? I predict Noem and Doogard (I spell it like it sounds)

Who would I like to see win? Nelson and Knudson.

Play amongst yourselves, and let’s sing along to Gordon Howie’s campaign song.

Blogger for State Legislature? Haven’t we been down this road already?

Dakota Woman, Angie Buhl wants your vote

I actually agree with many of Angie’s campaign stances, I just find it a bit ironic that she actually believes she has a chance of winning. We have been down this road before. Epp and Powers have both ran for office and got beat – handily.

I have been encouraged to run for office in the past and turned it down for the obvious reasons, I’m a big mouth blogger, there is no way in Hell I could win, and I know it, especially with my entire political mantra only a google away.

When are bloggers going to realize they better serve the public in their pajamas then in the public square?

Clarifying Rand Paul – This is a tough one

While I think it can be very difficult as a social liberal to defend some of Rand’s comments, I do defend some of the things he says;


I unequivically disagree with Rand and his stance on the Civil Rights Act. Discrimination needed to be reigned in, publicly and privately. One of the reasons why I support gay marriage and equality rights for gays is because equal rights should be afforded to everyone in this country, but as Rand Paul points out in the NPR interview, we must take common sense steps while achieving equality. He brings up the ADA. I agree with him, why not let local businesses and communities solve these issues, why let the Feds mandate these programs? Can’t we use common sense to solve problems instead of an across the board approach? I think that is really what Rand is talking about.

As for his rants about the liberal media (who is owned by rich, well-connected Republicans) and his affiliation with the tea-party movement (who is funded by rich, well-connected Republicans, the Koch Brothers in particular) Puhleeeeese! You are not fooling anyone.