Dan Daily beats the city in court. He was denied ‘Due Process’ which is guaranteed by the State and US Constitution

I will not post the entire 26 pages of the verdict, BUT, I will post some highlights and the conclusions. Click to the right for the entire document. (11-12-09 findings and conclusions)

Remember when the news did a series of stories about how code enforcement was a mess? This paragraph speaks volumes;

And the last sentence in this one says it all – beat a dead horse and maybe it will wake up.

I think the verdict is pretty clear – the city is violating citizen’s constitutional rights to Due Process. Wonder if the city will appeal the decision? I want to personally thank Dan Daily for taking up this cause, this just wasn’t a ruling for him, but for the citizens of Sioux Falls who have been harassed by the city and had their hands tied. While many people may think I am mean in some of the statements I make here, most of the time I am being sarcastic, but right now, I am not; someone needs to pay for the code enforcement mess, dearly, and hopefully it will be city attorney Tornow. Besides being fired, I would love to see him disbarred, fined and jailed for crimes against the constitution.

Tears of a Clown?

Here is a recap of Mike’s first day in office;

It started out with some show tunes by some school children and some tears from our new mayor. (Seriously Mike, stop crying. You spent a gob of money and won. We get it. Congrats).

He kinda shoots the whole transparent government thingy in the toilet in this interview with Megan Luther from the Gargoyle Leader. He refuses to;

• Name members of his transition team

• Name what department heads might be canned

• Jodi Schwan’s future

I guess he will only be transparent when it is convenient for Subprime Mike. This of course is no surprise to me. He worked in a very secretive industry and it will be hard for him to adjust.

In the informational meeting Mike decided to repeat his campaign speech at the beginning and did it again in the regular council meeting. I had a few disappointments during the first meeting. When the competitive bids were discussed, no councilors asked questions. In fact Mayor Subprime didn’t ask a single question during the entire meeting. This worries me a little with him having NO government experience. Of course the mantra from the department heads was they were coming inline with state law when it comes to competitive bids (which is true). But since when does the city care about state law or the US Constitution?

In other news, Greggo Jamison gets elected Council Chair and Sue Aguliar gets elected Vice-Chair. And not once did Greggo rip up fake checks or bitch about a casinos.

Dumb & Dumber (H/T – Helga)

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) posed for a picture with Birther leader and California secretary of state candidate Orly Taitz at a tea party lunch event in California Friday, Taitz tells TPM.

Taitz and Bachmann both spoke at a lunch sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots, Taitz said in an email. But Birtherism did not come up at the event, according to Taitz.

“Michelle Bachmann spoke at the lunch, however she did not talk about eligibility, but rather general status of economy, politics and elections,” Taitz says. “I spoke at the lunch, however I did not speak about ongoing legal actions involving Obama’s use of ss number 042-68-4425, which was assigned to another individual, I also did not talk about Obama’s refusal to unseal his original birth certificate, currently sealed in HI or any other issues of Obama’ illegitimacy to presidency which are raised in the pleadings. I talked only about my candidacy for the position of the Secretary of State of CA.”

Bachmann was in California for two days for a tour organized by Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, state Eagle Forum president Orlean Koehle tells TPM. Bachmann’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.