Munson’s accomplishments? Please, fill me in.

Dave’s greatest tool

This ringing endorsement of King Dave’s accomplishments comes from the same people who once depicted him as a Dr. Suess character. Besides spending record sales tax revenue like a drunken sailor and racking up a record debt I still struggle with what Dave’s accomplishments really were. Because I can shoot holes in all of these, real quick;

the man who grew up in the historic North End ultimately did not accomplish some things that many of us – maybe even he – had hoped for. Time, economic conditions, his own style and an often-fragile relationship with the City Council,

Fragile relationship? You mean the fact that he could only get 6-7 councilors to rubberstamp his agenda and budgets?

Phillips to the Falls became a reality – perhaps, in public perception, his greatest accomplishment.

What? He broke city law to approve a 100% over budget expenditure on the project, and after 5 years the land still remains undeveloped and as far as I know, still owned by the city. The only thing that was accomplished at Phillips to the Falls was a plaque of Munson being erected and a massive bilking of taxpayers.

He rescued the Orpheum, stabilized funding for the Lewis & Clark pipeline, cleaned up the Loop and gave downtown a welcome face-lift.

The taxpayers of Sioux Falls rescued the Orpheum, we are getting suckered in higher water rates for a pipeline we don’t have yet and downtown has become a very boring place to hang out. When I turned 21 over 16 years ago there was more than two live music venues downtown that played Rock & Roll. There was also a dance club. As Rocco said to me the other night when he was hanging out in Sioux City on fourth street.

“People aren’t a bunch of stuck up yuppies on fourth street like in downtown Sioux Falls. Everyone is cool.”

Munson has turned downtown Sioux Falls into a Mayberry for elitists who think there brat kids who are enrolled in club sports deserve handouts from the city, and I don’t think Mayor Subprime will be much different.

There was one thing Dave was good at; using his gavel at council meetings with people he didn’t agree with. I still think he has no respect for the First Amendment and freedom of speech, and for that, all I have to say is ‘good riddance!’

Huether: Retail & Job opportunities; BAD. Eggs & Bacon; GOOD.

Mayor Subprime gets sworn in on Monday, 2 PM at Carnegie Hall, so it isn’t too early to be critical (gotta get a jump on it, yah know).

First he wants you to know ‘He is listening’

New Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether will begin hosting “Listening and Learning” sessions starting May 22 at the Whisk and Chop Cafe, 108 S. Minnesota Ave.

I think this is a fantastic idea. But I also think it will be a flop. If you are not handing out FREE pork sandwiches, donuts or coffee, good luck having anybody show up. I often encourage people, that if they have a bone to pick, go to the Monday night city council meetings and address the council while the film is rolling so it is on public record. Never discuss ANYTHING with a politician without a witness or record. I think these sessions won’t be very well attended for other reasons to. People get excited about candidates during campaigns, but once they vote, they want to move on. While a handful of people will be watching and listening, most will be fishing, spending time with families or sleeping off a hangover Saturday mornings. I wish him luck on the concept though.

It seems he is also taking the NEGATIVE road on the Lyon County Casino;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Sioux Falls mayor-elect Mike Huether calls himself a positive guy, but he sees nothing positive about the large-scale casino that will soon be going up across the border in Iowa.

Besides the job opportunities, the retail opportunities are HUGE. I think it will actually bring more sales revenue to the state and city which will offset the VL revenue loss. It seems some city councilors get it, let’s hope;

Sioux Falls’ four newly elected city council members aren’t necessarily happy about the casino, but they’re excited about the opportunities the casino could bring to the city’s economy.   You can hear their thoughts this Sunday on Inside KELOLAND at 10:30 p.m.

And it looks like some people get it;

Supporters also think the venue will lure out-of-towners to the area, despite concerns over losing revenue.

“I don’t think it’s going to affect our economy that much, because a lot of people come to Sioux Falls for a lot of different things, and I don’t think a lot of those people are going to go gambling,” Marcia Steffen from Sioux Falls said.

Hopefully at least a handful of them at city hall will make and effort to reach out the Lyon County. Because I can guarantee if city hall doesn’t, eastside businesses will snatch up the opportunity.

It also seems councilor Greg Jamison seems to be confused about what it means to ‘Purchase’ something.

“The state of South Dakota should just write them a $60 million check each year and call it good so they don’t have to build the place,” Jamison said.

He thinks we will just be giving the casino a handout. Not true. They will have to purchase their water just like we will from Lewis & Clark. But unlike the city of Sioux Falls, they were not suckered into prepaying for something they ‘may’ have by 2012 like we were. It also surprises me that Greg is being so negative about the potential sales tax revenue that will be flowing into Sioux Falls from casino visitors. This is a guy who has called people like myself and Stehly negative and ‘hot heads’. Maybe he should take a good look in the mirror. A word of advice to Lyon County if they decide to reach out to our city government. Don’t invite Greg to the meetings.

Johnny get your gun (H/T -Helga)

Speakers at NRA convention target Washington, midterms, CNN

Speakers at the National Rifle Association’s annual leadership forum on Friday touted Second Amendment rights and also set their sights on the upcoming midterm elections.

Sarah Palin told the crowd in Charlotte, North Carolina, that the “lamestream media” is using propaganda to make guns seem more dangerous — and not the criminals behind them.

“Criminals, of course, are to blame for crimes. It’s the bad guys, not the piece of metal, that’s to blame,” she told the crowd. “Anti-Second Amendment gun laws don’t offend them [criminals] — they don’t care what kind of gun laws are passed.”

Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, told the crowd there are two competing visions about the future of the country.

“One consists of more government and less freedom, and one consists of less government and more freedom,” he said. “And right now, unfortunately, the prevailing vision in Washington D.C. is that of government. More and more government.”

Barbour, Palin and Thune are among those considered possible GOP presidential nominees in 2012.

Thune talks about More Government? Hardy, Har, Har, Har. This is the same guy who proposed the largest Federal loan to a private company in the history of our country long before the recession and TARP to a company he lobbied for before he was a senator, DM & E Railroad.

If his hypocrisy wasn’t so hilarious it would be pathetic. Wait. It is pathetic.