Making mountains out of mole hills? Seems so.

One more reason why I think both political parties are lulu. I have said all along that I thought Chris Nelson’s comments were a bit cynical when it came to whether Obama was a legal United States citizen, but it didn’t stop the SD Democratic party from trying to blow it out of proportion;

Clarifying earlier remarks, Secretary of State Chris Nelson has said he believes President Barack Obama is a natural born U.S. citizen and the legitimately elected leader of the nation.

Based on Nelson’s comments on a newspaper’s blog last week, South Dakota Democratic Party executive director Erin McCarrick criticized the Republican congressional candidate for questioning whether Obama qualifies to be president.

This is what Nelson said;

Nelson, South Dakota’s top election official for the past seven years, replied that it’s important that candidates meet constitutional qualifications. “If President Obama isn’t constitutionally qualified, it would be the biggest scam ever perpetuated on the American people.”

Nelson this week said his earlier comments did not question whether Obama is a natural-born citizen or legally the president. “There’s nothing in the comments I made that says that.”

And he is right. There are other issues I have with Nelson, and the Democratic party should to. Stop grasping at straws.

Last I checked it was a ‘Beauty Pageant’ first and formost

A former beauty pageant contestant complaining about beautiful women showing their beautiful bodies is like a NFL linebacker complaining about violence in pro sports;

LeVan is a former Miss South Dakota. She thinks the photos don’t depict what the pageant is about and sends the wrong message to young girls.

“To me, the pageant is about showcasing young women who are hard working, accomplished, who are involved in their communities. It’s certainly not about them in lingerie,” LeVan said.

If that is true, why even show their bodies at all? Why not just have them come out in berkahs and showcase their ‘talents’. It is a beauty pageant. Duh. Once again Stormland TV News rolls another ‘non’ story.

Doug Lund is right, um, did I just say that?

While I never agree with Doug, he hit the nail on the head with his latest blog post about the Fairgrounds.

Again, I gotta wonder. . who believes that the fair is such an albatross around the county’s neck..especially after it was discovered that the person responsible for  the fiancial shortfalls is sitting in the pokie?

And he supplied this link explaining the terms of the deed;

The terms of the gift also stated that, “In the event of the failure of the grantee to hold such fairs or exhibitions for five consecutive years, then, in that event, the said premises and title shall immediately revert to the grantor or next of kin to the grantor, with the right of immediate possession.

And these questions still remain;

• Is one of the commissioners an attorney representing the company wanting to purchase the land?

• Did several commissioners receive political contributions from the company wanting to buy the land?

• Does the company that wants to purchase the land do the appraisal of the property?

• Would there be a posibility of a referendum for a public vote if the county commission decides to sell the land?

The local MSM media needs to start doing more digging before it is too late. Like I have said, if some company wants the land, sell it to them, but you better be building us a whole new fairgrounds (with the possibility of connecting it with a new Events Center) and the county better be getting yearly dividend checks from the quarry.

Looks likes Huether’s inaugural city council meeting has an interesting item on it

I have requested from the city what the specific changes will be in the ‘competitive’ bid process, and of course this is a first reading (which means they won’t vote on it Monday night). But I found it very interesting that they would throw this in the lap of the new council and mayor so soon, it almost seems to me they want to sucker them into a ‘Yes’ vote before anyone questions the changes. There has been rumors about how bids were done during the Munson administration, mostly unfounded, even though it seemed the same contractors were putting in the bids all of the time. Two things that happened raised my eyebrows though. The middle of the night decision to have a 100% increase in funding to Phillips to the Falls and how the Pavilion’s window contract came in almost $300,000 less then first estimated. Things that make you go hmmmm. I hope the new council and mayor ask a lot of questions Monday night.



Emmett invited you to “PICNIC 4 PATIENTS!” on Tuesday, May 18 at 6:00pm.

Emmett says, “Join the Coalition for Compassion for our campaign kick-off in Sioux Falls on Tuesday May 18th 6pm at Sherman Park!

This will be a pot-luck style picnic and multiple speakers are lined up to inform YOU about our exciting volunteer opportunities! “.

Start Time: Tuesday, May 18 at 6:00pm
End Time: Tuesday, May 18 at 7:00pm
Where: Sherman Park, upper Picnic Shelter