Is SC nominee Elena Kagan gay? Who cares.

To tell you the truth I think it would be fantastic to have a gay Supreme Court justice. Heck, we have a (half) black president, why not go all the way . . . (from Gawker);

Verdict: Between the hair, the softball, the “open secret” at Harvard, the purported partner, and the Andrew Sullivan outing, I’m going to go ahead and guess she’s gay. It should be interesting to see how her orientation plays out during the confirmation process and whether or not anyone on the Judiciary Committee will come right out and ask her.

People really need to start worrying about the real issues facing our country; War, environment, healthcare and the separation of classes. If Elena has a girlfriend how does that affect me?

Yah think?

There is about 10 million things I could say about Stormland TV News’ crappy reporting, but one thing that I have always been appalled by is their blatant laziness. They have often lifted stories from the Gargoyle Leader or as they did in this story state the obvious;

“In this particular election there’s quite a few candidates who ran on the idea, we need to do something different like the Events Center or street repairs or priorities for Sioux Falls, so try to adapt that to a council that’s already seen that and understand that there are complications to those issues,” Lerseth said.

Lerseth says the first few weeks or even months could be an eye opening experience for those new members who have never been in public office.

“We see this on the national level, the Obama administration got elected on largely because it symbolized change and they wanted to come in and make dramatic changes and even made promises in that regard and then looked at the realities and understood there are only so many things you can do,” Lerseth said.

Change isn’t always good. And while I like trying new things, I am also a fan of things that are time-tested. Like I have said before, the first year of the new mayor and city council term (three of them have NO GOVERNMENT experience) will be entertaining at least. Get out the popcorn.