South Dakota’s public education system sucks?

Like this is a surprise;

South Dakota scored poorly in almost every category during the first round of competitive grants, getting poor marks in such areas as lacking a data system that ties test scores to teacher evaluations and failing to turn around the state’s worst schools.

When we choose to spend less and less on public education every year and have one of the highest dropout rates in the nation why do we sit around and scratch our heads and wonder why we fail at things like this? Is it because our state legislature is poorly educated? Maybe.

Dr. Staggers last council meeting

Argus Leader File Photo

The meeting tonight was fantastic, everyone was recognized, etc, etc, but there was two great moments. The first is when Kermit made his last ‘NO’ vote on making adjacent property owners pay for city owned property, sidewalks. Even though this was Kermit’s last question to a city official, they still couldn’t resist to mislead. Kermit asked if the city owned the sidewalks and the official’s response was, “It is public right away.” Some things never change, do they?

The other moment was the final vote, which had to do with the appointment of council boards. Quen Be De Knudson was the lone ‘NO’ vote on it. And it was her last vote. Oh, the irony.

Here is Kermit’s advice to incoming councilors that was published in the Gargoyle Leader today;

Automatically voting yes is one of the easiest tasks of a City Council member, especially when other council members are always voting yes. The real challenge for a council member is to think through the issues at hand and to ask probing questions of department heads in order to understand the topic at hand. When a vote is taken, always have a good reason as to why you voted the way you did; be principled and represent the people with your vote.

Please keep in mind that the purpose of our city government is to protect and serve the citizens of Sioux Falls. The city government must focus primarily on the needs of citizens rather than the desires and wants of a few.

Always remember that increasing taxes, fees or assessments might be a simple way of raising money for the city, but at the same time, these increases impose an undue financial burden on the unemployed, low-income families and those people living on a fixed income.

Finally, care, listen and use common sense in dealing with your constituents. Visit Sioux Falls neighborhoods and remember that you are working for the citizens of Sioux Falls; the citizens of Sioux Falls are not working for you.

And these two comments by Quen Be De, says it all . . . .

6. Remember that you are just a part-time city councilor and not more than that.

11. Get to know the new legislators and try once again to convince them to allow cities to vote on an optional one penny sales tax for badly needed projects across the state.

NO. You are a full-time elected official, whether you think so or not. There are some people that don’t make yearly working full-time that make what part-time councilors make. If you were volunteer, I would agree. But you are not. Get ready to work your tail off. And I had to laugh at her second comment. While her husband Mr. Quen Be Dav is bragging about balancing the budget you have De advocating tax increases. Funny stuff.

Still a lot of unanswered questions about the sale of the Fairgrounds

When are politicians going to realize we might start trusting them if they start being transparent?

Minnehaha County commissioners could move forward soon on the question of what to do with the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds, including the prospect of selling the land and moving the Sioux Empire Fair to a new location.

“I think it will be soon,” Commissioner Dick Kelly said. “It’s been an information-gathering process. Now we’ve got all the facts, or opinions.”

Kelly said he hopes all the questions are settled before officials begin work on the next budget, which starts next month. The fairgrounds, he added, have an effect on both the county’s short- and mid-term budget outlook.

Sanford already has submitted two reports to the county, including one that analyzes the legal issues as to whether the county can sell the land. Kelly characterized them as “draft reports,” meaning they are not available to the public.

And there isn’t many answers in the rest of the story either.

Sweetman Construction, which operates a nearby quarry, has been mentioned as a possible buyer for the site, but Sanford said there has been no talk of selling the land and no negotiations.

Yeah, sure, you betcha. If that is true, let’s see the reports.

Joel seems confused about who built the new Downtown Library in Sioux Falls (You and Me, the citizen taxpayers)

At least Rosenthal still loves me!

Joel spreads his lovefest about King Dave, then he goes into a strange rant about the library;

Last Friday Mayor Munson’s record of accomplishment was highlighted by the ribbon cutting and re opening of the Main Library in Downtown Sioux Falls.

Taking MY money to build something for ME is an accomplishment?  How is spending other people’s money on things that are obviously good for EVERYONE community an accomplishment? Kinda sounds like he was ‘doing his job.’ Good for him. But I wouldn’t label it as an accomplishment.

Many deserve kudos for this spectacular addition to our City. The most important group responsible is the Sioux Falls Taxpayer, without whose money, it would not have been built. It surely could not have been built with library fines or user fees. Some quality of life facilities require community investment.

He finally thanks us towards the end, but only so he can take a jab at an imaginary politician that lives in his head.

Sidebar – Remember in the last election all the nonsense about if you don’t use it you should not have to pay for it?

Joel, which councilor voted against the library expansion? None of them. While amendments were offered to get rid of expensive roof trim and unneeded wiring in the floor (could have been done cheaper in the ceiling) not one single councilor voted against the expansion. So who are you talking about? You really need to stop listening to the voices in your head.