Should I Stay Or Should I Go?


As the new Sioux Falls mayor elect wanders the halls of city hall this week, there is one question that is hovering over his head;

Don: Will you replace department heads and if so how many?

Mike: There’s 12 department heads that are appointed by the mayor ultimately I want to get to know these people even in a stronger way, find out what their strengths and weaknesses are, what they believe the opportunities and issues are of their departments, but ultimately Don there will be some changes among that senior team.

Huether wouldn’t disclose which department heads will be replaced, but is evaluating each one of them right now.

Well here is my best guess.

It is probably safe to say that Jodi Schwan (COS) and Bob Admundson (City Attorney) will no longer be working for the city after May 17. But don’t think that those two are the only ones leaving. There is still a possibility that Jodi could get a job in another department, like media services, if that does not happen, she will probably resign on her own accord. Bob was filling in as a ‘favor’ to Munson and will most likely go back into retirement. If I had to guess about another likely volunteer resignation it would probably be Eugene ‘Montgomery Burns’ Rowenhorst. He also was working for long time friend, Munson. He may stick around for a few months to help with the transition and the 2011 budget, but who knows.

Now here is where it gets tricky. There is no doubt there will be other replacements, but the council must also approve these replacements. A big one will be City Planner, Mike Cooper. Mike has had a lot of criticism over the past few years from the council. Mainly because he has been caught several times hiding information from the council. He also is responsible for the code enforcement mess, and what a mess it is. Since both Mike and Mike have very strong personalities, ahem, I just don’t see the two working together, that, and the new council may look at his past shananigans as a good reason to give him the boot. Trust me, if Huether decides to replace Cooper, this could be a battle, Cooper has many allies in the community. Personally, if I was Huether, he would be my first target, and I would not mess around, I would do it right away like pulling off a bandage.

The Director of Public works is also another replacement option, I’m sure his position will be looked into closely.

Obviously there are directors that will be safe, the chiefs of the PD and FD will likely not be replaced. As well as the Parks Director. While I have not always agreed with Don Kearney, I think he has been a fair director of the parks.

It should be interesting to watch. Who do you think will be fired? Who do you think will resign on their own?

So just how much did Huether pay for consulting from Hildebrand Strategies?

Nobody will know until June 17, one month after Mike is sworn into office.

Mysteriously, consulting fees have been left out of his previous financial reports, which is no surprise. It is common practice for candidates to pay consultants fees and bonuses after the election results come in, mainly because you pay for results. If I had to guess, I would bet it will be around $50,000. This of course would put Mike well over spending three times more then Kermit. Ironically he didn’t buy a Pro-Mike vote but an Anti-Staggers vote. While Mike (Hildebrand) did a fine job of showing the negative aspects of Kermit, I just feel Mike really didn’t sell the public as to why he would be so great for the community.

While I wish him the best of luck, I also know it will be a tough road for Mike. I can hear the voters already who supported him, “Okay, we knocked out Dr. No for you, what are yah gonna do for us?”

A gentler South DaCola? Well kinda.

All Kittens – All of the time?

Some of my South DaCola foot soldiers have told me I must be nicer as I emerge out of this break. I agree. As an independent I should really try to show both sides of the story. What does that mean? Well first off I will give equal dissent to both political sides. As a new mayor and council gets sworn in and as the June primaries quickly sneak up on us, I have come to the realization that I really don’t have a dog in the fight anymore. The guy I wanted as mayor, did not win, the four councilors that got elected I have no clue about and the Republicants that are running for US Congress don’t really turn my crank (though Noem does look pretty good in a pair of jeans and rodeo belt buckle). It’s time to start looking at all of these people equally, and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

What has happened to our political system in this country? Who f’ing knows. But I do know this, elections have turned into picking the lesser of the two evils, and that is really, really sad. The Sioux Falls mayoral election was proof of that. So I guess my job as a citizen advocate is to tell you who is less evil.

Don’t worry, there will still be some biting commentary and editorial toons. And I will still allow cussing and scantidally clad girls grace the pages of DaCola.

First Amendment rights and anti-censorship has always been the hallmark of this website and while this gets under the skin of politicians to that I say, Truth is the dagger that cuts egotistical politicians down to size. You are here to serve us, and if that hurts to much, please resign because we are the ones that feel the pain when you make bad decisions.

We have a constitutional right to call you out on your bullshit. Freedom is FREE, speak out.