I will officially be back Sunday, May 16. We will get back into State and National politics as well as follow the new Sioux Falls city council and mayor, day one of their administrations, May 17.


Congrats to our New Mayor ‘Subprime Mike’

Get out your credit cards, this election is gonna cost yah.

Maybe I am the stupid one here to honestly believe Kermit could compete with someone who outspent him, out strategized him and in the end mislead the public on a multitude of issues. But it’s easy to promise stuff when you have no record.

I am actually glad Mike won by such a large margin, because now he has a clear mandate. You know what that means don’t you? High expectations. Remember how quickly Obama has fallen from the graces?

I hope Mike is successful, but once he screws up, he is going to have a lot of voters to kiss up to. Better grow some thick skin, quick, because a smile and a wink isn’t gonna fix back upped sewers.

BTW, am I the only one that found it strange that none of his former peers or fellow employees at First Premier endorsed him? Not one single one. Things that make you go hmmm.

In the end, I am still very proud of my support of Kermit, he told the truth throughout the campaign, and sometimes people didn’t like the answer. Oh well. I told Kermit tonight that there wasn’t anything he could have done differently. It is truly a sad day in America when deception gets more votes then the truth, but hey, business as usual in Sioux Falls city politics.

Mike should be a fun one to watch, I wonder how long before he gavels me?

I will be on a blog break for awhile, I’ll be back though, real soon.

A message from Kermit Staggers, pass it on . . .

Residents of Sioux Falls,

Don’t forget to vote for me, this Tuesday, April 27th.

I have a proven record as a South Dakota state legislator and Sioux Falls city councilman, promoting strong family values and using common sense to solve problems. I will work hard to keep Sioux Falls on track towards real progress by:

• Creating economic growth by keeping property and sales taxes low and eliminating well-intentioned but costly, unnecessary, and stifling regulation.

• Promoting a strong business climate that encourages job creation with a pro-business climate, low taxation, safe neighborhoods, and a well educated work force.

• Protecting citizens living on fixed income from increasing property taxes.

• Refocusing on the primary functions of government such as the effective and efficient delivery of essential services- better city streets, rapid snow removal, and effective crime prevention.

I have visited over 19,000 households during my time as city councilman, and will continue to be accessible and value your input.

A vote for Me will be a vote for a strong and vibrant Sioux Falls.

Thank you for your support!

Kermit L. Staggers

MY PREDICTION? While I think the race will be tight, I think Kermit will squeak this one out. He has sided with voters on major issues, and they have agreed time and time again. Kermit hasn’t lost many battles in the public’s eyes for a very long time. I don’t expect him to lose this one either.

A little dedication;
