Mike Huether gets a Daschle endorsement?

This postcard came out before the general election and was only sent to DEMOCRATS. (Can’t imagine if this ended up in Republican mailboxes 🙂 Not sure if this is an endorsement or not, but it cost Mike about $2,250. and it is certainly partisan. While I have a great deal of respect for Daschle and I despise the policies of John Thune, I still blame Daschle for being instrumental in destroying the values of the Democratic party of diplomacy. Daschle is the reason I am no longer a Democrat. While I consider myself a fiscal conservative, I also am a person that believes that diplomacy should always come before war. And when Daschle authorized GW to go to war with Iraq I went to the courthouse and changed my registration to Independent almost the next day.

You can think what you want about political endorsements from famous politicians, but I am voting for the guy that is endorsed by the people.

Would Mike Huether be a partisan mayor?

When you donate to guys like Joe Baca, one wonders? Not only does Mike have all kinds of money for his own campaign, he seems to be helping out a lot of other people to.

This is one place that separates the two candidates. While it is no secret that Mike is a Democrat and Kermit is a Republican it is safe to say that Kermit isn’t blinded by party politics. In fact he gets little support from the party since he plays a free agent most of the time and really considers himself a Libertarian. I was also impressed by the two signs Kermit had in his yard before the general election, Stehly (A Republican) and Hart (A Democrat). Kermit believes in people, not politics or parties. He believes in doing the right thing not just what is good  for the party.

After reading this donor list, it did not surprise me that Mike gave this much money. If he becomes mayor, will the partisan politics continue?

“I was appalled at the sexualization of Christ”

As a person who collects religious icons and loves byzantine art, I will have to admit, that doesn’t look like a ‘six-pack’ to me. No wonder Mary Magdalene was smiling in the last supper picture 🙂

Actually the art is inaccurate;

Janet Jaime is the artist who designed the crucifix hanging in St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. She was unavailable for comment, but her husband said critics are misinterpreting a common religious icon.

“This isn’t just a subjective drawing. This is a historical icon of the church,” said Reggie Jaime, husband of Janet Jaime, an Oklahoma City iconographer commissioned by the church to design the crucifix. “I can’t help what you see in things, or she sees in things, or anyone.”

I commissioned the ‘Epiphany’ from a Russian byzantine artist (John the baptist, baptizing Jesus), and while the muscles on the stomach are similiar, my piece includes horizontal lines representing stomach muscles, this piece does not. I think this artist is going to have a hard time convincing people his work is accurate.