Mike ‘Dodge the Question’ Huether

Finally, we have Mike Huether’s answers in writing! I will commend the Argus Leader for doing this (even you Pat). When you read Mike’s answers, it puts them in perspective, and how he dodges the questions by repeating the questions, here is a little sample;

Q: What are the key differences between you and Dr. Staggers?

A: Mr. Staggers is a nice man and he is passionate about his beliefs. I commend him for his sacrifices. However, we are different.

He is extremely focused on the expense side only of the equation. I too am focused on Fiscal responsibilty in Govt, but you also need to pay as much if not more attention on the investment side as well. For example, you don’t create new good jobs in Sioux Falls by just focusing on cutting taxes.

Really Mike? His only focus is cutting taxes? How about de-regulation and encouraging international business? The secret to beating your opponent, is knowing your opponent. You don’t know Jack about Kermit.

His experience is not relavent to the Executive Branch of Government. This job is basically the CEO of City Government. He has no experience in executing the functions of a job like this.

What is your ‘Executive Branch of Government’ experience? Kinda sounds like you are both in the same boat on that one, except for the fact that Kermit has been a public servant for 21 years.

Finally, I have a strong, strong record of producing results in business, in non profits, and in other stewardship roles. Mr. Staggers is well known for his ability to be the voice of dissent in city council meetings. There is so much more that SF needs right now, and the ability to vote no is not the key to our cities future success.

Here you go again with the ‘Dissenter’ line. Kermit’s dissent has equaled the citizens dissent. His dissent was in direct agreement with the public, and he has proved that time and time again. Heck, Mike, you even followed Kermit’s suit when you found out that the public doesn’t support a sales tax increase to build an Events Center. Who is the ‘dissenter’ now?

Then, someone finally asks the question, and Mike, as usual, doesn’t even touch it with a ten-foot-pole. This is hilarious;

Q: Is it true that someday you hope to be governor of South Dakota?

A: Jean, you are very flattering but hey, all I did was get in a runoff to represent the great people of Sioux Falls. I will be so incredibly honored to earn this right to represent all of you as your next Mayor. I will work harder than you can imagine. I will bring a spirit and a vision to this city that you will want to rally behind. I will make you even more proud to call SF home. But Jean, I am focused on Sioux Falls. We have a ton of work to do and I am up to the challenge. When Sioux Falls moves forward, South Dakota moves forward. That is my goal and I won’t let you down!!!!

Thanks everyone, I have truly enjoyed the day and this has been a ton of fun. Even better things to come!

Make it a great day and enjoy your families.

Make it a great day, and never give a straight answer to a straight question.

Pink Slime story wins Pulitzer Prize (H/T – Hos)

“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for E. coli today.” (found image)

From the Sioux City Journal;

New York Times investigative reporter Michael Moss, who last year brought increased public scrutiny to Dakota Dunes-based Beef Products Inc., was awarded a Pulitzer Prize Tuesday.

Moss and other Times staff members won the Pulitzer for explanatory journalism for their reports on contaminated hamburger and other food safety issues, which spotlighted defects in federal regulation and led to improved practices.

“Moss used confidential corporate and government records to tell the story of a single hamburger patty that infected 22-year-old Stephanie Smith with E. coli in 2007 and left her paralyzed,” the Associated Press reported, “2010 Pulitzer Winners.”

“He showed how the patty was constructed from low-grade beef trimmings supplied by three separate slaughterhouses in the U.S. and Uruguay, as well as from a processed meat product treated with ammonia.”

In a followup story in late December, Moss scrutinized BPI’s meat treatment process, which helped grow the private Dakota Dunes-based firm into the world’s largest supplier of boneless lean beef.

The Times obtained government and industry records it said challenged claims by the company and the USDA about the effectiveness of the company’s ammonia treatment process.

Based on the Times report, the USDA said it would revoke BPI’s exemption from routine testing and conduct a review of the company’s operations and research.

BPI later took issue with the story and a related Times editorial in an open letter to its customers that the company said “set the record straight.” A link to the letter has since been removed from BPI’s home page.

People of Walmart picture of the day

This is funny on many levels. The caption made me keel over laughing, and it reminded me of a lady I waited on a couple of weeks ago. She was wearing a Walmart sweatshirt (it had the logo on the front of the sweatshirt really big). And in the back of the house I asked my fellow servers, “If someone is wearing a Walmart sweatshirt, will I get a shitty tip?” of course they misunderstood me, I call it ‘blooming onion brain’ and they thought it was just a cheap sweatshirt bought at Walmart, and I explained to them, “No, it has the Walmart logo on the front.” Well the jury was out, no one knew. She tipped 15 percent. I think it was her khaki pants.

Todd Epp’s silly little blog war

Anti-blogger (blogger), pro-censorship, praying at the altar of Hildebrand, Todd Epp has suddenly become a cheerleader for Mike Huether. I have to laugh, and warn Mike, everyone Todd supported politically usually loses. As a Sioux Falls resident who has lived in the central district the entire 8 years of Staggers’ council term, bought a house in the central Sioux Falls and has watched almost every informational and city council meeting over the past two years, I can tell you that Epp doesn’t have a clue about Kermit;

The choice facing Sioux Falls voters in two weeks couldn’t be starker.  A career politician who has never been able to build consensus and opposes every single innovation for Sioux Falls (Dr. No) versus a political newcomer who has actually run businesses, managed multi-million dollar budgets, knows how to bring people together, and is still a nice guy (The Heat).

Huh? First off, Epp, doesn’t have a dog in the fight, he is a resident of Harrisburg. Secondly his comment about ‘consensus building’ is completely off base. Has the rubber-stamp city council opposed Staggers? Sure. And everytime he has proven that he was right and they were wrong. See, Kermit votes on what his constituents want, not on what a mayor, a council or special interests want. His NO votes have always equaled praise from his constituents, why do you think he got first place in the general? Often Kermit presents amendments before voting NO. It’s not like Kermit just votes no without presenting a logical solution to the problem. And that really is Kermit’s advantage on his opponents, his progressive solutions and alternatives to going along with the flow, and that is why I think he will make a great mayor.

As for saying that Mike knows how to ‘bring people together’. Back it up with proof. I didn’t have a freaking clue who Mike was until he started running for mayor. Why is that? Because Mike is hardly a man of the people. He worked in an industry that raked in billions of dollars taking advantage of poor people with bad credit. Not sure how that qualifies him to be mayor, in fact, it scares the living shit out of me.

I often wonder if Todd’s opposition to Kermit has to do with Kermit’s strong beliefs in the 1st Amendment and transparent government?

Sioux Falls mayoral runoff dilemma

Vote for the man with the Kangol hat.

As the Gargoyle Leader points out today, the runoff will probably give Staggers the edge because of his supporters and the low voter turnout;

An analysis of voting at precincts across the city shows that Staggers won in more polling sites – and he won big in many of them. However, Huether picked up enough voters citywide to come within 49 votes of Staggers to make it into the April 27 runoff.

Staggers did well in central Sioux Falls precincts and also some on the city’s north side. Huether claimed victories in several precincts on the city’s far west side and also in southeastern Sioux Falls.

Staggers is confident that his supporters, whom he described as very intense and very committed, will vote in the runoff.

“I certainly hope people come out and express their views because the city government has such a strong impact on all of us here,” he said.

Trust me though, Kermit IS NOT A SHOE-IN

Some things he will have to accomplish to get an edge on Mike;

1. Make sure his supporters show up on runoff day (this will be an easy one).

2. At least get the endorsement of two if not all three of his past opponents. I don’t think it will be a stretch to get Peterson’s and Costello’s endorsement, but even if he does not, I think real conservatives who voted for them, will vote for Kermit. I just don’t see a lot of conservative Republicans casting their votes for Huether (a Hildebrand Democrat). I also see an opportunity with some of Vernon’s supporters. It is no secret that Vernon is a registered Indy but he leans towards the left when it comes to city spending. I think Kermit will be able to pick up some support from Vernon in the senior citizen department. To tell you the truth, I will be surprised if Vernon endorses either candidate. He seemed to be rather miffed at Mike for the Events Center ad. I think Vernon knew all along the he couldn’t beat Kermit in the general and Mike was his main opposition.

3. A low voter turnout by Huether supporters will also boost Kermit. While I have no doubt that Huether has passionate supporters, I don’t think a lot of his supporters are as entrenched as Kermit’s are. I call Huether supporters ‘Obama-like’ who were caught up in the moment. Kermit supporters have supported him for years and don’t get all wrapped up in that Hopey-Changey stuff. We’ll see if Huether can keep them energized for another two-weeks.

4. Kermit must hammer Mike about his association with the Democratic party, unions and Hildebrand.

5. Kermit needs to ask direct questions of Mike about what he really did at First Premier Bankcard. I have yet to hear directly from the horse’s mouth about his role in fee-harvesting that resulted in the Feds making the practice illegal.

6. Kermit must make some calls. While I deplore robo-calling, there is no doubt in my mind it put Mike and Erpenbach over the top.

7. Kermit needs to keep wearing Kangol hats but ditch the tan suit.